Thursday, July 30, 2009

" Wass Going On"

It's been a REALLY busy few days. A 10 and 7 year old can keep you hopping! I first want to say I got the brand new release " Pretty Is As Pretty Dies " by Elizabeth Spann Craig in the mail yesterday! The book is the first in the Myrtle Clover Mystery series and is set in North Carolina! It is such a pretty book I couldn't wait to start it, so I dug in last night.

Elizabeth is one of my fellow bloggers catch her @ Mystery Writing Is Murder and she also follows The Writers Porch! Thank you Elizabeth for giving me the opportunity to read and review your new book!

I ran into some pretty ominous clouds on Sunday while driving to Memphis and some rain but had a pretty good trip.

I was dreading having to drive through this black boomer

The closer I got, the more I dreaded it! I was actually able to drive out of it in a short distance thank goodness!

It has rained everyday until today so we've done a lot of reading, watching movies, eating and laying around!Oh, and puppy sitting!

" The Girl" arrived last night, she got today off from school for making an A+ on a project.
So we are heading to Pensacola Beach in the morning!

This morning, we had "puppy races". Duke won most of the time as even though he is still a
" fat boy " he's not as fat as Patch. Yes, Hoss has a new name! Patch, short for Patches!

They actually would race from the kids to Melanie who was patting the floor calling their name.

They are really growing and playing around now. They were 5 weeks on Tuesday!
Thank you all for your comments and I'll be back in full speed on Monday!
I also got a report from the GI doctor, the polyps were benign!! Thank you for your prayers!!


Kat Mortensen said...

Clean bill of health? Woo hoo! Hooray!

Your puppies look so cute (and the kids ain't bad either)! Is that bed outside or in? I can't tell.

I like "Hoss", but Patch is pretty sweet too.


P.S. Will check out Elizabeth's blog.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Puppy Races! Now that has got to be a great way to keep the grandkids entertained!!

So happy to hear your good heath news!!

Tess Kincaid said...

Yay! Glad to hear everything is fine in the health department, Carol.

Looks like The Writers Porch is full of happy people and pups!

Missy B. said...

(((Hugs))) I am so glad to hear the good news!

Elenka said...

I'm so happy your health news is GOOD! It's the waiting around that's the killer. Been there, done that...I hate it.
Whenever I go thru something like that, I realize now, it's good news.....til the next time.
I never used to have to worry about these things.
I'm happy for you.

Becca's Dirt said...

Good report Carol. The puppies are so cute - I just want to reach out and grab one and love on it. That is so cute that they are racing. Pensacola beach will be good. Hope you can dodge the rain. I know you are enjoying the grandkids.

I will have to find the book you mention.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Wonderful news on the health issues Carol !
Now those grandchildren and puppies...can't quite decide which are having more fun ;)
Both are adorable !

commoncents said...

AWESOME POST! Keep up the great work!

ps. Link Exchange?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm SO glad you got a good report from the doctor, Carol. Praise God. AND---I know that you are truly enjoying your grands. Is the big one an older sister of the two younger ones???? GREAT looking kids!!!!!

You'll be ready for a vacation when they leave!!! ha


Medora said...

Aw, puppy races - very cute.
Lawn gnomes on that book cover - not so much.

Renie Burghardt said...

Thank the good Lord for the good health report, Carol!

Glad you made it to Memphis and back safely and are enjoying those cute grands-both kids and pups!

Have a great time in Pensacola.



Sherry Austin said...

Good to hear from you, Honey Pot. Looks like you're having a good time. Lucky younguns.

I TOLD you the polyps were benign and I weren't no angel. Tickled to hear it, but in no wise suprised.

I sure love your daddy's songs. Tell him when you can.

Wobegon Cottage said...

I love the cover of the book..I like gnomes.
My favorite garden ornament
My grandkids left today and now I will take a nap

Rosaria Williams said...

Great news. Go on. Go. Enjoy the kids and the outdoors.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wonderful news on the health front.
Puppy races may slim down your porkers. They were adorable but really liked the shot of the family crash on the bed.

Vicki Lane said...

Excellent news, Carol! Enjoy all your babies!

Tiffany Norris said...

Glad you got a good report! Meanwhile, love that book cover--gnomes are the best!

NitWit1 said...

I am grateful for your good diagnosis. I have been wondering but figured you tell us in your own time.

Family is always a tie that binds us and comforts us.

One houseful of relatives (for me ) just left.

I bought a little book by a local author about a rescued dog. It should be here soon as it only has 17 mi to travel. I'll be reviewing it. It is not long, but is on Amazon An B&N.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Glad you heard the word "benign" one of the best in the English language. Those kids and puppies sure do seem to be enjoying one another.

KB said...

I'm so glad to hear about your good health news!

I'll bet that a pair of young kids AND a pair of puppies have kept you hopping! Those look like some happy kids and puppies.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

"I also got a report from the GI doctor, the polyps were benign!"

Well, there you go. Enjoy those grandkids.

Anonymous said...

The picture of Granddad on the kids on the bed looks so much like so many I've taken here. Granddad and the 6- and 8-year old grandsons go to bed early so they can watch baseball games. The boys can now recognize sliders, curve balls, changeups, and all the pitches that I've never figured out. They go to sleep with baseball in their heads and we take the the sleeping cuties to their own beds.

Lots of PRECIOUS in your house!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Glad you're doing well! Thanks so much for the kind words about my book. I appreciate it!

I'm currently in Memphis researching the Memphis BBQ series I'm writing for Berkley Prime Crime. I'm in Germantown and was just 3 miles from that tornado that came through! I'm glad you didn't encounter any bad weather for your trip here.

Mystery Writing is Murder

Cindy said...

Congratulations Carol on the wonderful news from the doctor. I'm very happy for you. Looks like your having some fun with the grandkids. Have a safe and wonderful trip to Pensacola.

crochet lady said...

I'll have to check that book out, it does have a very interesting cover.

Glad things are A.O.K in the health dept.

Your puppies are just such cute little balls of fur!

Angie Ledbetter said...

It's always like a mini-vacation coming by here.

JoyceAnn said...

Great news about your health .... the puppies are so cute , I know the grands are enjoying them.

That book looks delightful , need to check it out.

~ Many Blessings ~

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

So glad your tests were negative...and looks like family visiting is just what the doctor ordered! HAVE FUN!
Skippin' over to Elizabeth's blog!

Margaret Hall said...

Glad to hear good news!
And, the puppies are just precious! I know that you love them to pieces..
Your rain storm looked like a real thunder-boomer!
Thank you for sharing your pictures, and the details on the "Pretty Is As Pretty Dies"...
Have a fabulous weekend...

NCmountainwoman said...

The word "benign" may be the most pleasant in the English language. Glad you're having a good time.

Anonymous said...

Sweet puppies and grandkids. I am happy to hear the good health news.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Hi Carol! You sound happy and excited - this made me smile to read it.

That cover is quite interesting - been forever since I've read a mystery - probably 20 years!

So happy about the test results.

Reader Wil said...

Thanks God that your polyps were benign!! Your "Fat" boys are so cute!! Lovely to have so much time to read, blog, cook wonderful things and have the children. I don't know what the matter is with me, but I have hardly time to read and cooking is not my hobby anymore. So what am I doing ? I used to be an active person.. sigh..Well, thanks for your visit!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Looks like y'all were having "almost" too much fun! Glad for the good health check up and cute puppy races.
As to your comment on my post...I understand but my ongoing concern is the overwhelming intrusiveness of the proposed plan. I really don't want various government "officials" and agencies going through my personal life or "helping me decide on end of life options". No Way! But if this thing gets passed, it will be all over but the tears.

Roslyn said...

Don't like driving in storms either, scary.
Good news on the med. report.
I need one of those awful colonoscopy's..........

Merisi said...

So wonderful to read about the good news you got and the girls around your house and the puppy races! :-)