Today I want to share with you a situation that has been on my mind lately. A few weeks ago I went for a routine mammogram. Well... it turned out to be NOT so routine after all. It came back abnormal. I received a call from my primary care doctor saying that she was ordering a bi-lateral Sonogram. The word bi-lateral didn't register with me until I got to the radiology department and was informed that there were problems with BOTH breast and I would be getting a sonogram on both! This was a rather time consuming and I might add, painful ordeal. After about an hour of this, the radiologist decides he needs another mammogram. Four views of one, three of the other. Think of the pain of a routine mammogram and magnify it by 3 when they are trying to film what they already see as foreign!
Tomorrow, I am going for an MRI on both breast! After two mammograms and sonograms, they have NO idea what lurks in either. I saw the films and both are entirely different things! I am a firm believer in both prayer and positive thinking! Last night I had a dream in which a woman was saying to me that there was nothing at all there and she said; someone was praying for you!
So today, I'm asking you to pray in hopes that tomorrow, whatever was there, will have disappeared!
Yes, indeedy...you are in my prayers that God's grace will be sufficient and the results will be POSITIVE!
I had a similar ordeal a few years ago, and it turned out alright...(I don't know how to explain it but the doctor said something about my breasts containing lots of water?!)
I OF COURSE, will be praying for you.
Carol, everything is going to be just fine.
Will definitely pray! Hope all goes well.
Loadin' up my prayer cannon, friend!
I had a somewhat similar situation about 12 years ago. In my case it was determined that I had "dense breast tissue" which does not "read" accurately. It left me with a tiny worry way in the back of my mind and a feeling that medical testing is not always reliable. I will pray for the best possible outcome for you and that whatever the tests show you are given the strength to meet it. That includes the grace to cope with the discomfort and anxiety of testing in progress.
You poor thing. Waiting on results of something like this is torture. Yes, I will most certainly pray. If it makes you rest easier, I know of women in the same situation whose tests turned out to reveal nothing serious at all. Think good thoughts and I shall do the same for you!!
I too had a bit of a scare and two biopsies on the same spot in one breast. Funny looking areas but eventually they concluded that they weren't cancer and were'nt growing - and I've recently had an all clear report.
Miss D and I will be thinking of you and will say a prayer for a good result.
xo S & Winnie Dixon
Oh, Carol, I hate this for you. I had a similar situation about thirty years ago and after weeks of worry and a biopsy, it turned out to be mastitis.
I am holding you in my heart. All shall be well and all shall be well and all shall be exceeding well.
ps the pink flowers I've posted today I believe are called Mallow and grow like weeds (she says affectionately) everywhere around these parts.
Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers from Willow Manor. Peace, dear friend.
Carol: You are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Prayer is the most powerful gift we can all give to each other. So, you are being showered with gifts from me. I will be thinking of you. **HUGS**
Definitely praying for you!!! Please let us know asap!
There are good testing instruments out there,and the results will be analyzed by specialists. Trust the process, and trust that you wil be o.k.
Our prayers and thoughts are sent your way.
Honey pot, I'm glad you're getting it all looked into again, as an added measure. And how often it is true that these things turn out to be nothing to worry about, but as you know, I'm one who believes in checking it out, because therein lies the power of lessening the worry, or if need be, taking early action that these days yields so many happy results.
Oh, Carol, a shower of prayers are coming your way, that the tests come back positive and your discomfort will be minimal. Please let us know asap.
Love and hugs,
Carol, Remember this: The Word of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and are safe.
Speak positive healing into your body all day. There is power in your words. It's the sword of the Spirit!
I am praying for you!
I also have been through the ringer, had every kind of mammogram known to mankind, and MRI, and surgery, and tested benign! So I will pray for you, positive visualization worked for me. Just breathe deep...
Oh yes, Carol... Prayer can really help--and we'll all be praying for you.
I had a scare like that once also--and luckily, mine turned out to be nothing. I hope yours will be also.
Keep us posted.
Prayers and Love and a big HUG,
We're so, so sorry you're going through this...and not even knowing you. Know you have lots of friends all over the country, all rooting for you and positive results tomorrow.
I just prayed for you and will continue to pray the Lord will touch you and everything will be fine. I just can imagine how you feel. I hope you will get a good report from the MRI. Love & prayers, Brenda.
I, too believe in the power of prayer! I will be mentioning your name to Him....whenever you come to mind today!
I am believing with you my friend. Carol my prayers are with you and believe that all will be OK.
For 4 years the doctors were monitoring a mass in one breast - doing a mammo twice a year. It showed no sign of growth. It is still there and will continue to be monitored.
We will be praying here in Wobegon for you. There is great power in prayer I have experienced it many times. I agree with the pain thing. I have had some not so normal ones also and you wonder how flat they can squish a breast. For me the hardest part is the waiting so I will pray that the Lord will give you peace while you wait upon his answer. This is one thing I value here on the blogger: you have so many people who will lift you up in prayer and are really concerned about you. thanks for sharing, once again I am challenged to trust God in all things.
Dear Carol,
Know that I will be praying for you.
May His peace rest upon your soul like water in a parched place,
May you know His provision and the power of His touch,
May you know His presence that contains a full measure of joy, even in the midst of hard places,
May His love surround you,
for it is higher and deeper and wider than anything life can throw at you.
Love you,
I believe in prayer and miracles. I will remember you in my prayers.
So sorry to hear about this worry my friend..
I will be saying a special prayer tonight and asking our Father to spare you this anxiety, and lay his healing hands on you.
I had the same fright several years ago, turned out to be non-benign fatty deposits.
I'll be thinking of you Carol, and sending positive vibes your way...
( hugs )
Years ago I read a daily devotion and one line stuck in my mind and still reassures me. You can get through this, Carol. Remember this:
I'm praying for you. Take deep breaths and remember you are not alone. Keep us apprised.
Prayers have been answered this past week for me and I shall pass them on to you. I have some irregularitis from time to time and then they clear up. I pray this will t out fine. Once mine was a fatty something or other,
Will check in on my trip. nitwit
Oh Carol, my wishes and prayers!
I had one of those dreaded calls, they make you feel so vulnerable. I hope everything went well yesterday!
Oh dear Carol. You will definitely be in my thoughts today.
Adding you to my prayer list, Carol! Keep positive and know that there is so much that medicine can do now so that any outcome csn be taken care of with good results. {{{ Hugs}}} Pat
Thoughts and prayers for you today!
You are in my thoughts.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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