Thursday, July 16, 2009

" Surrounded"

Like the chicks in this picture, I'm saying WHEW I'm glad that's over!

That's not me on that table, but I was surrounded by one exactly like this yesterday! There's really nothing to it! Except for having to have blood drawn beforehand and being hooked to a drip IV, it's a piece of cake! You lay on your tummy with boobies hanging in two holes, they put ear plugs in and head phones on you and play music of your choosing to drown out the loud noise of the machine. I chose Celtic and went to sleep twice during the 45 minute procedure. I talked with the Radiologist and he said my PC doctor will get the report by Friday. He said; they may not be able to tell much except that it does give a closer view but a needle biopsy is basically the only thing that really rules out anything. This was done so that if they decide I should just be watched for changes, this will make ANY change much easier to detect. So now I'm hoping that it will be just a watch situation instead of let's get a needle biopsy!Besides nearly FREEZING to death waiting on the radiologist afterwards....not so bad!

I have a plan to do nothing but read, review and interview in August on the blog! These are some books that MUST be read ............The "Shades of Gray"by Jessica James book which has knocked " Gone With The Wind" out of it's long held # 1 spot on Amazon, will be given away as Jess sent me a personalized signed copy and I had already bought it new. So the one I bought, will be a giveaway! I plan on asking for giveaway copies of the others when I submit their interview questions! :)

When I got home yesterday, a beautiful site awaited me! An Amazon box! My book club, Awesome Read, has been suspending meetings because we have had two of our elderly members pass away recently. So, we have decided not to meet until September. We decided we would pick a series to read and give members till December to read them all. It is Stephanie Barron's "Jane Austen mystery series". There are 9 books so far in this series and most Amazon reviews rate them 4-5 stars, so I'm looking forward to these! I ordered all 9 but only 7 arrived in this box along with a few other books. The others are:

" Jane Austen's World" by Maggie Lane. I love Jane Austen and saw this while ordering the mystery series so I threw it in the cart! Also a couple of books that had been recommended to me,

" Bread Alone"by Judith Ryan Hendricks. This is a 1st novel from Judith about a woman who after divorce, goes to work in a bakery! " Every good and Perfect gift" by Brenda Jernigan.

This is also a 1st novel by a hello...North Carolina writer and it's set in a small NC town!

So I'm waiting on another Amazon box today( when you order Amazon Proper, you can track it) with the other two Jane Austen mysteries, Greg Iles just released " The Devil's Punchbowl" ,
"The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane" by Katherine Howe. A novel in which a young woman selling her deceased Grandmother's house discovers Granny was into witchcraft and " The Black Flower" a Civil War novel by Howard Bahr that was recommended by Gary Carden when he, I, Vicki Lane and Katherine Magendie had dinner in Hendersonville after the bookfest. This book is set in a famous house in Franklin, Tennessee that I have visited several times, Carton Mansion.
The picture below is of a book I ordered from England I'm also expecting to arrive soon. Isn't it gorgeous? I plan to read this and a couple of Elizabeth Goudge children's books, " Linnets and Valerians" and " The Little White Horse" to my two Grans, Kohl and Molly ( the girl's ) when they come here shortly to spend a week with Nana!

Now to the post title Surrounded. Besides being surrounded by doctors, machines and books........
We were, NO kidding, SURROUNDED by clouds of all shapes, sizes and color last evening. At 7:40 P.M. I took these pictures! Now the pond is on the East side of the farm. It looked like we had an eastern sunset!

From the east...







North East.........


North West...


South East....

Same shot with the way, NOT ONE DROP OF RAIN resulted from this! :(

Thank You to each and everyone of you who prayed, sent good thoughts and vibes to me over the past few days, I really have NO fear, worry or anxiety over this now. I believe it will turn out to be NOTHING and I give credit to all of YOU for Surrounding me ! * MUWAH * :)


Sharon Rose said...

Carol, it sounds like you are centered in the presence of a Holy God. You are surrounded in love and peace. That is what is needed at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Rest and reading! Sounds like it's just what the doctor ordered :)

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

What wonderful book-filled days ahead!! I am really trying to ignore those cold feelings of envy when I look at that fairy tale book! Oh. How. Perfect.

I'm happy your tests are done and you will soon hear the good news that you are perfectly fine!! All the best!

Sherry Austin said...

Good deal, honey pot.

crochet lady said...

I'm glad you tests went ok.

You have a great bunch of books there to read. I look forward to reading your reviews on some of those. I've already added a few titles to my reading list.


Becca's Dirt said...

Carol I'm so glad the MRI was OK for you. Sounds like you you have a good plan - rest and reading. I love different cloud formations.

Morning's Minion said...

Hang in there! Books are such a comfort in any situation. I think I read "The Black Flower"--I've loved Elizabeth Goudge since I was a teen and found her books in the library. My favorites are the trilogy, Bird in a Tree, Pilgrim's Inn, The Heart of the Family.

Rosaria Williams said...

With all those books to read, this was just a minor inconvenience in the big scheme of things. Go on, read away, enjoy visiting with authors. You have a lot of living to do.

NitWit1 said...

So glad tests were easier than anticipated. Since I may have to have one of one boob later, I know what to expect. And Yes I sincerely hope and pray it's nothing, or at least careful watching.

What a wonderful array of books: the Civil War one would intrigue me as I like historical novels.

Still praying....NitWit1 (Carol)

Paula said...

Oooh- the clouds look ominous, Carol... but I like it! I'm a sky gazer and love to watch the clouds.
Looks like you have a wonderful assortment of books ahead of you!I'll be praying you get good news on Friday!

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, my, you sure are such a trooper, Peeps! I am glad the tests went well, and you've got all kinds of book plans. Love the cloud pictures. We've had great, dark clouds as well, and got tons of rain, too! (Thank you, Lord!) And you've got the Grans visit to look forward to as well. What could be sweeter? Not a thing.

Hugs and blessings,


Dirt Princess said...

Hope you get GREAT results!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

(I've looked at clouds from both sides now, From win and lose, And still somehow, It's clouds illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds at all.) A little Joni Mitchell there. What impressionistic skies you captured!

What better way to put those tests out of your mind, than to read, read, read! Perfect medicine.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Carol, I'm sorry you had to go through all of this ---but it is necessary IF something needs to be 'fixed'... Hopefully, as you said, it will turn out to be nothing. But it's better to be safe than sorry.

Why do they keep hospitals and doctor's offices so darn COLD????? GADS!

Relax now and read to your heart's desire!!!!
Hugs and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

What lovely thoughts!

Put your feet up, snuggle up with the Peeks, and READ!!!

Deb Shucka said...

You are surrounded by beauty and prayers and new books. I'm not sure life could be much better. Still sending prayers for you and the best possible outcome of these tests.

Medora said...

Glad the tests went okay - and the book pictures got me really excited! I will look forward to reading your thoughts on them. I write reviews for a website and for library journals, and love it - and I love to read what others think about books.

Vicki Lane said...

So glad the tests went well -- and what gorgeous clouds! Hope the rain falls eventually!

Wobegon Cottage said...

I love Jane Austen I will have to write down some of those titles and go check them out. Glad to hear your feeling beter about your test I am sure all will be well with so much love and prayers surrounding you. Well I am off to bed... some company is leaving in the morning and new company is arriving sunday. Very tired
your friend Alice

Angie Ledbetter said...

Rest, read, relax, recover. I'll be praying for you and thinking good thoughts.

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Haven't been reading my fav blogs this week as my time has been taken up with family stuff. I'm glad that so far your tests have gone well and that you'll soon get the results. Your in my thoughts hugs across the miles xx

Glynis Peters said...

Oh all those books, I am envious. Have a wonderful time reading.

Glynis Peters said...

Whoops, sorry. I am glad all went well and fingers x'd for you :)

Tiffany Norris said...

Looks like you've got some great reading selections there!

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Oh, more books to add to my non-ending list of reads. Glad your test is over. You sound like you are in a good place for where you are - if that makes any sense.

Susan said...

Hooray !!! Have a lovely relaxing reading weekend xo S & les gang

damnpamn said...

I love reading your blog and I wish you the best possible outcome in your biopsy.

Elenka said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I somehow missed your post about your situation. Here's wishing you the BEST of everything and that this will be just an unpleasant memory very quickly.
Hugs !

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Glad you have that behind you, Carol, and can now settle down to some incredible reading! I enjoyed 'Bread Alone' so much, I read it twice. The Jane Austin new stuff, I'd better catch up. Love the music selection! Soooo calming. <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your procedure and your positive attitude with us--sharing encouragement. And thank you for choosing my book as one of those you want to rest and relax with.

I just ordered THE HELP from Amazon, and now find it shown on your site. I sure look forward to getting my order, too!


I_am_Tulsa said...

Carol, I too recently bought the Jane Austen's World book! AND that book from England is GORGEOUS!

I am glad you are in a positive zone! I have been praying for you and will continue to do so!!!
Lots of love, Tulsa