Saturday, July 18, 2009

" Raining Treasure "

We awoke yesterday with a 60% for some much needed and prayed for rain along with a COLD front moving in! COLD front here means NO more 90 degree days, highs in the mid 80s and lows in the high 60s. We'll take that and be very grateful after the blazing hot June we had!
Around 11:00 A.M. that 60% was 100% !

The gray skies open and rained down buckets!

Buckets of REAL treasure!

What a beautiful site!

Rain water pours off the roof into the Elephant Ear tub! They love water!!

Two of the Mallards went cruising in the rainy pond!

Before the treasured rain came, we went to a moving/yard sale. I stole, not literally but it felt like I did, a couple of treasures. The first being this antique dressing stool. It had a new fake suede leopard print cover on it but needed some TLC.

I removed the seat and refinished it with a dark walnut stain to match the dresser in the guest room...

And sits in it's new place! I paid: $ 5 bucks for it!

This is the foot board of the bed with the round spindle like the stool legs

This is the inside of my next treasure.........

A Camel Back Treasure Chest! It has real leather and tweed on top. I'm trying to decide what color to paint over the black paint on it. It will sit at the foot of the bed in the guest room and hold quilts in it. I paid: $ 15 bucks for it!

A brand new Magnavox Clock Radio with 3 alarms.... $ 2 bucks

OH YES, books! The trunk was full of them and I only bought 4 for $ 3 bucks!The one on top is supposed to be a sequel of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice! I know but " I can't help myself" !
If there is such a thing as a book HO, I'm the house Madame! :)

Two grill tools for $ 1 buck!

A Queen dust ruffle, brand new for $ 2 bucks. I have been looking for this color since I redid my bed awhile back!

I had actually ordered a new bed lamp a few days ago but this one was $ 1 buck so I got it and cleaned it and painted it and enjoyed reading by it last night.

So that was my Friday except that during the rain the power kept going off and on and finally stayed off for awhile and you know, I'm just lost without power! I was on Facebook trying to write on Renie's wall and I would get 2 or 3 words then boom! Gone! I know, it's nothing to complain about but it was kind of annoying but for 1 & 1/2 inches of rain, ANNOY ME!


T said...

So glad you are getting the much needed rain! And isn't it glorious when we have 80* weather in July!!

And what wonderful treasures....I'd take that trunk off your hands any day.

Anonymous said...

Not only is your bargain hunting impressive, so is your staining!

We keep getting "chance of rain" weather reports every day, but that's all. No need to buy a lottery ticket, I guess.

Glad you had rain though. Going to do any more canning now that the garden has gotten a boost?

Carol Murdock said...

T...thanks, that rain was a gift from God! That trunk is my new baby doll, I think I'll keep it!

Mary Lee...thank you, it's real easy to refinish now days with all the products out there!Matter of fact I will be canning again today.
Tomatoes and green tomato relish!

Vicki Lane said...

Hoorah for the rain! All those clouds didn't lie.

Reader Wil said...

I am glad that you got your rain! and seeing your two "big" boys is making me even happier.
Thanks for your visit to"my"castle. The marquis still lives there, so no chance for you and me of taking up residence in that dwelling place.

steviewren said...

I bet everything looks beautiful and fresh over in MS today. We didn't get much rain, but I walked outside this morning to delightfully cool temps and a perfect blue summer sky.

Nice way to repurpose some great finds.

Carol Murdock said... was a blessing!

Wil...awwwwH I wanted to hang out in that castle! Those fat boys are something!

Stevie...I had fun with this and yes the rain was so cleansing!

Sherry Austin said...

You're just a regular go-getter is what you are, honey.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I love the rain, especially when it's been dry. And my, all those treasures. Much more fun "to discover" than to walk into a retail store. And your stool came out so perfect!

Glynis Peters said...

RAIN? Oh that wet stuff that falls from the sky. Still had no rain since Feb/March. The temps are 90++ and we haven't reached our hot month- August yet. My daughter marries in the UK next Saturday, it is bound to rain there!
I love your bargains, and that stool is amazing. That trunk is sooo what I could do with, and books, oh books!

Janet, said...

the rain looks great! We had a little downpour yesterday while we were visiting yard sales. I love the stool and trunk. You did a great job on it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you got some rain and cooler temps. We missed the rains--but our temps are really cool today. It's only 69 at 3 p.m. WOW!!!!!

Sorry about your electricity going off and on. That's so nerve-wracking..

I cannot believe all of the 'treasures' you got. I had a dresser and chair similar to yours many years ago. It was my mothers and I finally got rid of it. Wish I had it back now. Your new little chair matches the dresser just perfectly.

Have a great weekend.

Arkansas Patti said...

Just love that dressing chair. What a difference you made with a little stain. Such a deal you got.

Carol Murdock said... heavenly soul you,I'm just trying not to let you out do me!

Thanks Elizabeth, I'm proud of the way it came out too!

Glynis, maybe it will rain while you're in the UK, either there or back home:)

Carol Murdock said...

Janet, thanks and congrats on the rain! :)

Betsy...I bought the bedroom set at an estate sell after my house burned in 1986. It has the original price written on the side rail: $ 49.95 for the bed,dresser and chest! :)

Patty....I nearly chocked when I asked and she said; $ 5.

Rosaria Williams said...

You got good eyes, picking all those goodies. The trunk is marvelous.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Hey Girl.....

We got your cold front today....high of 72* my part of the Blue Ridge today.....woohoo!!! Tomorrow the same!! Maybe my bear will go back to his den..for a nap!!


Carol Murdock said...

Hey, Linda! I heard you all were thinking winter is coming on up there! That's what's got that Bear prowling!

Rosaria...this is the first yard sale I've gone to in years but these finds gave me the fever! HA!

NitWit1 said...

How wonderful...RAIN and Cool Weather.

We had 4" rain Wed. night and now we have cool weather. If it gets below 54 deg. tomorrow a.m. (Sun) it will be a record here.

You are a garage sale trouper. Someone called me unAmerican because I never "garage sale."

Well I have 'em every 3-4 years but I don't attend 'em.

I'm having one Labor day to get rid of good stuff, like a laptop, I have two and one to be soon, two cheap digital cameras, a meat cutter, a GE Blender, most like new. My husband is emptying out some sheds..I hope his lawn Christmas display inventory is reduced!

Renie Burghardt said...


I love your rain pictures! We had buckets of rain on Wednesday night and Thursday, and it has turned blessedly cool since then. We had 78 degrees today and mid fifties nights, same for tomorrow. I even got my down comforter back on the bed to snuggle under at night! And today was a perfect day to be on the river. And that's where I was all day.

Love your tresures! That footstool is a beauty, and you even refinished it already! Would ya please bottle some of that energy you have and mail me some? And, oh my, that chest is extra nice, too!

And that last picture you have on here? Well, awwwww!!! Mama and babies look adorable.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Hugs and blessings,

Renie xox

Anonymous said...

Counting treasures is one of my favorite pastimes. Great post.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I need to hook you up with my friend who lives at the new Goodwill store in town. She paid $2 for a quilt rack and is in hog heaven.

And your rain - no fair. We need some to break our 100 degree weather. Glad someone is enjoying a sense of "cool" weather.

Sharon Rose said...

Ahhh love the rain! It's better than gold these days!
You really got yourself some treasures there, ma'am!

We actually have a cherry antique bedroom set in the guest room that looks exactly like that foot board you showed us a picture of!
We were just talking about selling it in a yard sale along with some other things. . . . we are trying to let unneeded things go.
That is a memory of my Mother that is starting to become to painful to have to look at when I go to that room in the house.
Thanks for sharing the dog family pics. they are the sweetest little boys and mommy!

Wobegon Cottage said...

We didn't have any rain but we had below average temperatures. I actually had to dig out a long sleeve shirt it was so cold. Glad to see you had a good day. I love treasures and books

Susan said...

Congratulations on your rain and cooler temperatures and many thanks for weighing in on my "big" dog decision. You've done an amazing job at refinishing your little treasure dressing stool. Wow !

Your post's are so upbeat and happy they make me feel good. xo S & les Gang

Deb Shucka said...

There is nothing like a good rain after a long dry spell. Those puppies just get cuter all the time.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Carol, what a talent you have for finding a treasure- be it a book, an object, or a kindred spirit. I love the covered chair...I could stand on the little pier house by the water and feel the light rain fall, and those puppies are abundant lush bundles of love...thank you for sharing your life. <3

Lady Katherine said...

Wow you got more rain than we did! I love your new finds! What wonderful prices! The leopard print looks wonderful on it and the stain is perfect with the vanity. I have a old vanity. OK I did paint it and used tumbled tile on the top. But left stain on some of the piece. I have it in our bathroom. It is great to get dressed sitting there! I do have an old stool, one day I will refinish for now I using a wicker chair. When I saw the grill tongs, I decided I need to go clean mine up! lol Great clock! I just love the trunk! I need to go to the sale with you! lol I trying to get our Mississippi Magnolia's to see if they have a day in August that would be good for lunch. Any free time?

crochet lady said...

Ya, rain! We need some up here in WI, we actually had an average rain fall in June, but now are really dry in July. But it has been cool here. The last couple days I've turned off the air conditioner cause it was only in the high 60's and low 70's. Glad you are getting a break from the hot temps.

Love the stool you redid. Looks like new! The trunk is a great find. I have a couple trunks that I treasure. I have them filled with this and that of family memorabilia.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Enjoy that rain, treasure hunter! We've gotten some too. ahhh

Becca's Dirt said...

You sure did rack up at the yard sales. Some nice treasures you picked up. I love yard sales. Can't believe you have already painted and put to use the items you purchased. You Go Girl.

Medora said...

I just love your pictures!