Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I am a firm believer in the effects of prayer! Especially when there is a chain of believers praying! " where two or more are gathered in my name"
Thank you all so much for your prayer , hope and good thoughts!

After the trip to the GI Clinic yesterday, I had a message to call my PC Doctor for MRI results!
The MRI showed that both breast had benign cysts! Treatment? A mammogram in 1 year!WHEW! I dodged the bullet on that one!! Also, I got an A+ on the Colonoscopy !

As with all things it seems, there is some bad news. When I was in Flat Rock,NC for the wonderful Blue Ridge Bookfest recently and being given the royal treatment by my dear friend author
Sherry Austin, I may have been given the best gift ever!A life saving gift! As Sherry and I sat on her beautiful screened porch gazing at my beloved mountains, we discussed my upcoming Colonoscopy. We also discussed my digestive problems. She told me I should have an Endoscopy at the same time to see about the digestive problems. I was a little hesitant at the thought since I had never had one and thought there was already enough dread of the Colonoscopy. In the long run she convinced me. I came back and consulted with my GI doctor and set it up. She was right, I never knew a thing about either procedure. During the Endoscopy it was discovered that there were two Gastric Polyps in my stomach. These show NO symptoms and are usually discovered by chance, during a procedure for other reasons as was my case. They are often malignant and the cause of stomach cancer. Dr. Farmer took biopsies of both. So now I wait again for results! But early detection is a lifesaver!

I love you Sherry! Now that is a good friend! She's a keeper!!!! * MUWAH *

To all of you, I'm just in awe of your support If you have an award accepting blog, I have put two awards below plus a good friends emblem. Please, right click them and post on your blog in thanks from me !

You have certainly Uplifted me!


Have A Wonderful Day! I've got to put Tomatoes in the freezer today!


Tiffany Norris said...

Hooray! Hope the test results come back with equally good news. Love the Dr. Seuss pic. :)

skywind said...

Wow, nice pic. :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Yay! That's great news, Carol! I, too, believe in the power of prayer. :)

Sherry Austin said...

Well, honey pot, this is Sherry Austin talkin' as Trixie Goforth, as you of all people know, and I believe you can just about expect that the stomach polyp is just that like mine was. I was told it's unusual for it to be anything but benign, but they check it to make double sure. You done good!

Sharon Rose said...

God is good ALL the time! The power of prayer, the power of two or more agreeing makes all the difference! Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!

Becca's Dirt said...

Carol - I have heard of endoscopy but didn't know what kind of test it is. I am way overdue for my tests (8-10 years)and I am going to ask about that one. I need the mammo too. Through your ordeal I am going to set up my appointments.

Great new Carol - I am so glad the tests have come up with good reports and I am still keeping you in my prayers.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Carol, I am so happy to hear your news! I celebrate today with you. As I sip my Puerto Rican Cafe con leche, I lift my cup to your health and in thanks to all the universal forces that support you- and all of us. <3

Morning's Minion said...

I have learned that it is a blessing to know when others are praying for me--I don't ask for that wonderful help as often as I should. It is good to hear that your test results are reassuring--nasty old tests!
You're a gal after my own heart--right back at the gardening and canning tomatoes--the important stuff!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...


Eleanor said...

Oh indeed! And the best is that prayer is not linked to time and space. So I can join with your other friends in praying for you at what is/has been a trying time.Here is a hug over cyberspace too!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Woot and woohooooo! So glad THAT'S over. :)

Come check out the interview at my place today. A writer's writer.

Janet, said...

Carol, I'm so happy to hear the good news!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog and looking forward to reading here.
My Hubby just turned 50 and it is now time for the colonoscopy...he is "thrilled"...LOL!

Deb Shucka said...

So glad for all the good news. No accident for sure.

Vicki Lane said...

Two down, one to go -- I'm sending good thoughts for a Trifecta with good news from the last test.

Medora said...

Wow - great news. More prayers that the good news keeps up . . .

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good News --Good news----Yeah Rah!!!! NOW---hopefully there will be good news when it comes to your stomach problem.

Yes, sometimes it takes friends to get us to do some of the things in life we don't want to do... Yeah for Sherry!!!!

Keep us posted on the Stomach test results.. I'll continue to PRAY hard.

Thanks for the award. You are one special gal!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Yay! I have been through the same thing, and it's wonderful to hear that word benign, isn't it? Hopefully the polyps will be no biggie either. Good news, I'm pleased that you are A O K.

Cindy said...

Carol, great news. You're in my prayers for more good news. ~Cindy

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those firm believers, too!
I just know your next news will be good also.

Good thoughts and prayers from Georgia.
Have a great day.

Missy B. said...

Carol: Sending Angel Kisses and Hugs your way.....and lots of prayers for you. Angels are watching out for us all of the time...(Sherry is an angel!).
((((Hugs)))) to both of you!

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

I am so happy and thankful that you got wonderful news from the colonoscopy and MRI!!! It's also a good thing that the polyps were found. Hope those results are as good as the ones you received today!

Sherry Austin said...

Shoot fire! Sherry Austin's the devil in a not-too-good disguise. Y'all don't know her like I do. She talks mean to old people and hides their liquor.

She's the *hore of Babylon.

steviewren said...

That is great news. I'm so glad all the procedures are over. Fingers still crossed that those stomach polyps will never come back. Prayer is a wonderful thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mammogram and colonoscopy went A+.
I'll keep you in my prayers and will send positive energy your way for the same results with your stomach polyps biopsy.

Elenka said...

OY...take a deep breath! It's amazing what we have to go thru, over and over again. Well, good luck so far, sending more positive vibes your way....again.

Renie Burghardt said...

I'm so late again, Carol. These beautiful days we're enjoying are keeping me enjoying the cabin every day. I would stay overnight, if I didn't have the animals to look after.

I am so thankful to read the good news. Thank the good Lord for answered prayers!

Love and continued prayers,


Sherry Austin said...

This is all gettin' way out hand, all this prayin' and positive energy and love flowin' toward Carol.

I'd like it a lot better if it was all about me.

La Belette Rouge said...

I am so happy to hear this great news!!!! I am doing a happy dance for you.

I_am_Tulsa said...

I am happy to hear the great news too! You are still in my prayers! Lots of love!

NCmountainwoman said...

Great rejoicing here from all the good news. You are so correct that life is fragile and we have no idea what's in store for us. What better way to celebrate than put up more tomatoes! No telling how you will celebrate when the polyp biopsy comes back.

KB said...

So glad to hear of your immensely good news. I wish that you weren't waiting on more news - but I hope that your good luck holds!

Merisi said...

I am so happy for you about the excellent news! May your other test results bring you good news too!

Kathryn Magendie said...

Gawd! I have so much to catch up on here! Sunday I am spending the day blog walking and catching up - so I will be back, but I saw this and had to comment....

I'm so happy the results were benign -- yayy!! :) :)
