There was a time in the not so distant past to use the idiom " it's a dogs life " brought about metal pictures of hardship and unhappiness. I can remember my own Grandmother saying;
" he lived a dogs life " meaning the person led a less than respectful existence. You still on occasion hear someone remark, " he's a dog" with no praise intended.
Well.... around here,
a dog's life means the good life! This little family is treated like Pure Dee Royalty.....

No, they are not named Prince Michael I and II, but they are little Princes'.

Just can't help but hold and love them all the time!

I can say; " What's them fat boys doin? Heads pop up!

I can't help but grab the camera when they sleep on their backs!

Now Duke doesn't quite cover up this normal size hardcover book...

But Hoss does a pretty good job of it.......

Show DogNana that sweet face....

Hoss totally covered this regular size paperback and hung off the sides...not yet 3 weeks?

Brotherly love..... so sweet

Motherly love............ahwwwwwwwwwwww

Hey now! I'm the Daddy! Take my picture too would ya?

Well.....the tomatoes are playing out, it will soon be time to comb the vines and make a few jars of Green Tomato Relish! YUM!

The Hummingbird vine at the Pond House is finally putting on a real show!

Enlarge to see peppers, peppers everywhere!!

Another view of the show off!

A view of the peppers from the opposite side , I'm going to string the red Cayenne.

Yesterday we awoke to dense fog and an 80% chance of rain....

It went full circle all around us but we only got a light sprinkle..........
I need one of those puppies to cuddle! I'd love to compare green tomato relish recipes. I make one that is an old family tradition with cabbage, tons of peppers, spices and of course those amazing green tomatoes. It transforms a brat, burger or spread into delectable delight. Your hummingbird vine by the pond is lovely. what a great spot!
Honey, I enjoyed ever little bit of this--dogs, peppers, and fog!
love the foggy morning~very mystical and romantic!
those pups sure are sweeties.
have a wonderful day.
Those sweet little boys are doing great!!!! Look how big they are getting! Oh and don't you just want to hold 'em all the time?
What a sweet Mommy and Daddy too!
Thanks for sharing updated pictures!
Looks like life is good at your place!
Puppies and kittens...what thrilling little lives they extend to us. I love the looks of your hummingbird vine and the lovely fog photos...would love a visit!
Couldn't you just eat'um up like ice cream......nothing cuter than puppies and kittens.....well....maybe human babies.....sometimes....well,,,, OK human babies, too!!!
The pups are cute as bug's ears!
I love your pond house. I also see the Elephant Ears and Cannas are pretty with the Hummingbird vine. actually got a sprinkle. I am so jealous! I am hoping for a shower today.
Have a great day.
I just love the puppies! Mom and Dad are so sweet! I love the veggies! Oh, but the pond house! Now, That is what I am talking about! Hubby See this! lol I love it! I just have pole barns down by the pond. I just love yours!
Hi Dog-Nana, Your babies are just precious. How do you keep from holding and loving on them ALL of the time????? TOO CUTE!!!!
Your veggies and flowers are beautiful. Can't believe that FOG though...
Have a great day.
Fantastic pictures, thanks for sharing. The pups are growing fast.
I can't believe that your tomatoes are almost done! Mine haven't even started yet.
Keep the puppy photos cute.
Awww, can I come over and play with those adorable little boys?
Love all the pictures, Carol. Everything looks beautiful.
We did get a gully washer Saturday night, and quite a fierce storm. Even lost power for a couple of hours. More rain in the forecast for tonight. Thank you, Lord!
My tomatoes are really coming in now. But I am just eating them raw, and not making anything with them. Plus I share some of them. Zucchini, too. I should bake some zucchini bread, but naw, it's too hot to bake anything. I did make some refrigerator pickles, and that's the extent of it. Guess I'm just lazy.
Have a great day!
Renie xox
You sure have some cute roly poly puppies there, so sweet.
Love your trumpet vine.
Oh I've been waiting to see the 'Boys, and I don't mean D Cowboys.
Do you do fried green tomatoes between putting them up for later! I was introduced to fried green tomatoes belatedly in my 50s and fell instantly in love.
Also my sister in law made a tomato cobbler that tasted just like peaches. Didn't look like peaches however.
We had nice rain showers for 3 days, hope you get some relief.
My bloggers and my kin in Texas are scorching under quite a stretch of 100+ deg temps. w/o rain. The ground is cracking.
I wish we had puppies around...I love puppy breath !
They are growing by leaps and bounds, are you feeding them fried green tomatoes ?
Love the pond, and your pond house, covered in hummingbird vine. I was given some seeds earlier this Spring, and didn't get them started ;(
Are they good next year, or have I lost out ?
Lovely relaxing post, even liked the fog, reminded me of home ;)
Carole, I tell you...70 percent of the world's population don't live as well as my dogs! That's a sad commentary on how we treat each other. I do love my critters; if I had a nickname, it would have to be 'Ellie Mae' -smile-.
Your puppies are so cute and growing so fast! I think Hoss is almost as big as his Daddy!
I'm just beginning to have ripe's been pretty cool here so far this summer. I hope you publish the green tomato relish recipe as I'd like to try it.
Those of us who adore our pets can't help but "make" over them.
I envy your gardens, although I remember your part of the country as almighty hot and humid!
Oh Carol. Only you would describe the puppies size with a book! I loved this post.
Your place looks gorgeous on sunny days and foggy ones too! Aaaawww and the puppies!
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