This morning as we drank our coffee on the screen porch, we had a chilly 62 degrees and a mystical misty view over the pond to enjoy. The garden is winding down and I can't say I'm sorry as I'm getting tired of canning but preparing for Winter will be worth it down the road.

There was pepper running out our ears over the weekend. Hubby strung this cayenne.

I made Green Tomato Relish.........

Got 6 pint jars in the end...

This cabinet.....

Is nearly full. Maybe room for a few Pickled Okra left. My step-mom Tena would be proud!

Pepper Anyone? See, I wasn't kidding about the "out our ears"

We seeded and cut all of it in strips for the freezer to be used in recipes this winter! I also canned 5 jars of pepper sauce! Half of the pepper sauce will be given away.

Today I will be preparing for a movie! Tomorrow I will get the dreaded "upstairs/downstairs"
treatment at the GI doctor! I'll be on the "run" later today! HA! I am way past the due date for this, it can no longer be avoided! It's just routine, no problems. I still have not heard from my MRI but I'm going with the " no news is good news " theory ! I'm sure I hear today.

And let's not forget the "fat boys"They are fabulous! They now recognize our voices and respond by moving and wagging their tales!

They are holding theirs heads up and sitting up some.

They have also started to play and nip at each other a little.......Hoss will be staying here and Duke will be going to my Aunt.

Thanks for all your comments, I read them and smile in between doing all I have to do in getting prepared for the coming days. I will be going to Tennessee this coming weekend to pick up Melanie's children to come and stay for a week before they head back to school!
Wow, busy bee! You could hawk your wares at a farmers market. :)
I miss my garden, even though I recall how frantic canning season could be with the kitchen floor sticky and no room left to set down another Mason jar--empty or full. So great to have all that good food come winter.
Hope that all the tests have good results.
Loved the mystical view with which you started.
Love the looks of the inside of that cabinet! I know what you mean -- at some point one is SO ready for the garden to be over,
Good luck with your 'procedure'!
Yikes. I'm sure it's a moving experience getting ready for your procedure. ;^)
Your canned veggies are gorgeous. How nice to be able to pull one of those babies out this winter!
And the puppers!! So adorable.
Angie...I'm gone be hawking that suff out on the table and in pots at this farm! :) is franic but so rewarding later!
Dave.. is was mystical and relaxing!
Vicki..thanks, when I look at it I see all the dishes I make with tomatoes,Chow Chow over beans,green tomato relish in potato salad, you get the idea! I told Vicki, my mind envisions a winter full of goodies!
The pups have stolen my heart!
Good Morning, Carol.. Yes---I hope that no news is good news --when it comes to the MRI...I think they would have called you by now if something serious was wrong.
SO-you are going to have a colonoscopy???? Both George and I have been through that ---and the preliminary cleaning yourself out is the worst part. ha ha...
I'm proud of you doing all of that canning. You have been a busy gal!!!!
Have a good day... I'll be thinking of you.
Wow, Hot pepper abundant harvest. Perfect harvest. : )
Oh, my, everything looks so good! All those canned vittles will taste great this winter.
Your green tomato relish looks oh so yummy! I will attempt to make some later, once the tomatoes are done ripening, and lots of green ones are still on the vines.
You'll be on the run later today? Ha! Ha! I have been avoiding that procedure for months.
I'm just sure your news tomorrow will be good.
How fun that your granddaughters will be there next week. One of mine will be here in August.
Oki doki, got to run. Going out to have some fun with friends. Have a wonderful day, Carol!
Renie xox
Oh, I love the pics of the fat boys! So cute...
Mystery Writing is Murder
Betsy...yesssssss and Endoscopy too! Up one end and down the other! HA!
SW..not all was hot! better get off th stick!
It's better to be safe than sorry!
ESC...thanks, they are too cute for words!
Great photos! The "boys" are growing fast!! They are adorable, Carol! And your Tomato Relish looks delicious! Thanks for sharing! Good luck with your hollyhocks! I am looking forward to seeing them next year!!
That first picture is amazing, and your peppers look fantastic! Hope all goes well tomorrow.
I wish you a lot of courage to face the colonoscopy and the treatment before. I shall think of you.
What a great and delightful visit to your blog~! It was refreshing and highly interesting, and will return soon! Loved your canning for the season, and your enthusiasm for the peppers! Don't think you can squeeze another jar in the cabinet...
May your week be full of great awareness and happiness..
Hey, Wil...thanks, courage is the right word for drinking the prep at least! The boys are something else:)
Jen..thanks! I thought they were gorgeous too that's why I worked hard to put them up! Best pepper crop I've ever seen!They won't quit!
Margaret...THANK YOU so much for stopping by!
Don't you worry about the upstairs downstairs. I've had that three times and nothing in this world to that!
Love all those peppers and such.
That cabinet is gorgeous!
Good luck with the GI business - I hope you have something good to read stashed in the bathroom! ole buttered biscuit you, as I recall, it was you who talked me into all this upstairs downstairs stuff in the first place! :) * MUWAH *
Medora! HA HA! That gave me a good laugh! Got it covered!
Good morning Carol. Hoss and Duke are so cute. Is Hoss named after Hoss on Bonanza? We are experiencing some cooler temps too. It was 65 this morning. You have put up so much out of the garden - I know you are getting tired of it. I'm still believing everything is OK with your tests you had last week and I'm sure the new stuff will be OK too. It's way-way-way past time for me.
Glad you are having a respite from the heat. You will definitely appreciate all your hard work when you use those wonderful canned goods this winter.
Best of luck on your tests. Oh, and with the prep which is far worse than the test.
Very nice Carol - I never got to canning, because I lived in the city all of my adult years. But I've gotten canned goods as presents, they they are delicious, much softer and richer in taste than the store bought!!
That canning cabinet looks so pretty inside, I think I'd leave the doors open and show it off as edible art!
Keep on keeping on. . . you're doing a fine job!
That's a lot of canning you've done and it seems you've got a lot more to do. It all looks yummy though especially the relish.
Good luck at the GI doctors!
Have a great week. ~Cindy
Becca, he is but now that we decieded to keep him Hubby says we have to pick a name he can live with! HA!
I'm not worried after ALL that prayer!!You better get off the stick and get er done girl!
Carolyn, you're right and I'm looking forward to winter so I can use it!
Jeannette, it makes all the difference in the world!
Mary Lee & Cindy...THANKS!
Beautiful jars of garden goodness! I have peppers coming out my ears too. I plan on freezing some this week. My tomatoes are just starting to come in so I will be busy, busy, busy here soon. I was in sweet corn all last week!
I love your canning cabinet, I put my green beans (all 47 of them) in printer paper boxes this morning. We've really just started our canning and I'm already weary of it. Love your red peppers on a string!
You have got blessed hands, growing all those vegetables. Preparing and cooking all the delicious meals for winter. I admired also your handiwork with your second hand treasures. You write you read, I do not think that you have one minute of boredom! You are a very strong person and will overcome anything.
The puppies are adorable.
Hope the visit to the doctor goes well, Carol.
You really have a well stocked cupboard!
The pups are looking good.
Hope everything goes ok with your "upstairs - downstairs" stuff.
Those fat boys look like they need a good tummy rub.
I make a similar green tomato relish, it looks so much the same!It was an old southern recipe and is so delicious! I was so surprised to see it pictured on your blog! Does it also contain cabbage? Your growing season is far ahead ours, but isn't the cooler weather wonderful? Happy canning! and hugs to the darling puppies
thinking of you, I know you will get good news.
You sure have a bounty from your garden, doncha?
Wow! I've never seen such a pile of peppers, or peck of peppers!
Glad to hear weather is a tad cooler.
How fortunate you are to have such a fruitful garden. Do you have a county fair to show off your green thumb?
Your cabinet runneth over. Beautiful.
Do you really write on that gorgeous porch? If it were mine I would.
You are one hot chili pepper canner!
Good luck with the tests.
And, OMG, those puppies!!
All of your canning efforts are inspiring!! I always love seeing steam rising of a pond or lake...beautiful.
You and those tomatoes!!! MERCY! My mouth is watering again. So, do you share the tomato recipe or is it an ancient family secret? If you would share, I am still at the same email address.
Beautiful jars! Unbelievably adorable puppies. Hoping your medical stuff goes well.
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