Tuesday, July 21, 2009

" The Fat Boys "

The " fat boys " are 4 weeks old today!

This was 1 week old

HAVE A GREAT DAY! I'm off , it's Showtime! HA!


Margaret Hall said...

Oh, they are sweet as sugar! What little, round bundles of joy! It must be fun to feel the warmth of them in your arms...Delightful!

Stephanie Faris said...

Awwwwww. They're adorable!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I love those chubby puppies!
Don't worry about "the test". It was the best snooze I'd had in months!!
Thinking of you!!

Sharon Rose said...

Happy Birthday to the fat boys! Four weeks today! Carol, they are darling!

Vicki Lane said...

Pretty darn cute!

Tess Kincaid said...

Awwwwww. Look at those puppers!! Soooo sweet.

~Cheryl said...

Those little guys are so cute! It just makes you want to bury your nose in all that sweet softness.

I have been enjoying your blog for some time and admire your gifts. I have nominated you for the Neno Award. Please visit my blog to accept it. Have a great rest of the week!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Luck today, Carol.. I'm thinking about you---and praying for you.

Your babies are growing like weeds. Amazing!!!! Can't believe it has already been 4 weeks... GADS!


Renie Burghardt said...

The liuttle butterballs are getting cuter and cuter!

Hope the day goes well, dear Carol!

Hugs and prayers,


Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Best of luck to you, Carol. I sure hope and pray everything turns out well. The photos of the puppies are really cute.

Becca's Dirt said...

I am thinking positive thoughts and prayers for you. What sweet babies - adorable. I want to play with one.

Medora said...

Super cuteness!

Anonymous said...

Doggie kisses are the best medicine.

crochet lady said...

Such cute plump little dumplings!

Morning's Minion said...

The antics of baby animals are a sure lift for the spirits. I hope the test results will also be a cause for rejoicing.

Elenka said...

Sooo cute!! OMG
Hope you passed your test!!

NitWit1 said...

Such cute little rolly-pollies.

I've had three slider days including today, but I somehow thought the tests were over and I have been waiting anxiously and prayfully for the GOOd reports.

My company leaves today so will be catching up on reading, writing and 'rithmatic (checkbook balance)

I have a local city newsletter to get out, too.

Arkansas Patti said...

Good luck on your showing today.
Only good thoughts going your way.
Loved those chubby bundles of fur.

NCmountainwoman said...

Here's hoping all went well. Love the little fat boys.

KB said...

Oh my goodness, what cute puppies! You must be enjoying watching them grow daily.