Friday, December 4, 2009

Then & Now

Remember Kathleen Turner? I saw her in a film the other day and for the longest could not figure out who she was! What a gorgeous woman she was then & now! No plastic surgery for her!

Last Spring our yard was so green but............
Tomorrow it may look like it did on December 11th last year! We are expecting 1-2 inches of Snow tonight! Yes, bloggers, it does Snow in South Mississippi! :)

Oh how pretty my Cannas were not so long ago.........

After the hard freeze last week..................:(

I cut the last of the Roses for my Thanksgiving Dinner table............

This is the Rose bed now............

Our wonderful Miss Trixie GoForth has kept us in eggs for the last few months laying 1 a day!

Now we are getting her 1 a day and 3 more from Miss Vicki, Madame Willow and Dottie Rambo !

Most of you know that Steve McNair was my favorite all time QB may he RIP ! I loved watching # 9 play ! Now, I have finally donned a new QB Jersey for # 10 Vince Young ! Once again I can enjoy watching my Titans play !

When I started cruising EBay to add to my China, I had no idea I would come close to being an EBay addict ! I have finished my Christmas shopping on EBay and got a few neat things for the home! I got this Lazy Susan which had several bidders...............

Cleaned it up and refinished it!

This wooden Bread Box was highly sought after also..............

Cleaned and's a beauty!

I got an e-mail from Author Sharyn McCrumb telling me she has asked her publisher to send me an ARC of " Faster Pastor " her new book with Co-Author/ NASCAR Driver Adam Edwards!
It will be released in April 2010. She included this picture of her and Adam and said;
" I should picture him as the main character Camber Berkley"

I really have a lot going on right now and need to be working in the greenhouse as I type! I'm trying to get around to all of you but it's kind of hard right now! Things should slow down next week for sure!!
Have A Great Weekend Everyone!
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! :)


Rosaria Williams said...

Yes, you are busy, and happy, and busy. Good to see you getting ready for the season.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I was looking around at the same sad looking garden here also....
Love your lazy Susan and breadbox, they are two of my favorite wooden pieces.
Sounds like you are rocking along nicely, busy, busy, we girls are !!
Thanks for sharing what you are up to ;)
Hugs, Jo

CHummelKornell said...

Enjoyed your post. Life sometimes gets in the way of our arts! Everyone seems so busy right now. I've been trying to a couple of weeks to get back to a watercolor I'm working on...keep thinking 'today will be the day'.

Enjoy your day and breathe deeply, everything will happen that is supposed to.

Kat Mortensen said...

Hi Carol! You are so talented to take something off E-bay and make a beautiful item out of it. I haven't the patience.
Hope all is well at the Porch!
Things are good at the Hyggehus.


Vicki Lane said...

Looking forward to Faster Pastor. Sharyn's been talking about it for some time now!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Kathleen Turner is suppose to be in Springfield soon I think. You know she looks better young, but so did I. I am trying to embrace my aging. But somebody's stiffing up here.

Winter hits hard if you don't believe me, ask your flowers.

Kat said...

I've been wondering what you have been up to. We might get the same snow on Saturday! How I love the snow! Nice finds on ebay!
I think of you now when I watch the Titans play. They are making a come-back from a lousy start to the season.

Margaret Hall said...

Hi, Carol~!!It's me, that missin' blogger from Wordpress and Blogspot~!! I have had some personal junk that had to be taken care of...*smile*...
I enjoyed the enthusiasm that you have for Ebay, good for you~!! And, the refinishing tasks...Indeed, fall/winter has played havoc upon the plants~!! COME SEE ME WHEN TIME ALLOWS....
Posted new at
and at
and the poetry one...

Pat in east TN said...

We're suppose to get snow too and we're excited about it.

A new Sharyn McCrumb book ... yippee!

Marguerite said...

It is a little bizarre to be getting snow again this year in Louisiana! It will break a record, as we have never had snow two years in a row! Love the lazy susan and breadbox, and looks like you might be able to have deviled eggs for Have a great weekend!

RNSANE said...

You never slow down but you sound deliriously happy and that is wonderful. All your projects turn out so well. You are truly an inspiration!

Good for those hens. Nothing like fresh eggs for breakfast and baking.

Isn't it nice to know that those roses and callas will be back after their winters rest?

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Send Camber to my house and you take care of the rest! LOL!!!!

Merisi said...

I can't believe you are getting snow before we do!

Great buys at that store in the sky!

Deb Shucka said...

Kathleen Turner's voice is one of my favorites.

We might get our first snow tonight as well. The best thing about it is that it would have to warm up a bit first.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

We are looking for snow as well! I do hope we are lucky enough to get some. For Edward and Apple's sake especially!! They love snow!

crochet lady said...

Hi Carol thought of you the other day when I was sitting in the theater watching the movie, Blind Side. It is a football movie, set in Mississippi and based on the life of football player Micheal Oher.

It was a great movie!

Sandi McBride said...

Your flowers look much like mine...dilapidated and pitiful...but never fear, they'll be back...that Lazy Susan...good job on both pieces, but I love the LS...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Carol, Yes---I thought you all would get some snow today. We are supposed to get some tonight and tomorrow... Who knows!!! My son in Texas was so upset since the snow went all around him. They didn't get anything where they live but flurries. One never knows!!!!

I'm with you on Vince Young---but you already knew that...

Glad your hens are laying lots of eggs now... What do you do when you get too many????? Give them away????

Love the bread box. My mother used to have one similar to that. I don't even own a breadbox anymore.

We have YET to have a hard freeze --or any freeze here. Weird, huh????

Have a great weekend.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a difference in your eBay finds after receiving your touch.
I do so hope you get snow. We have a mild climate here also so snows are wonderous occasions. They bring out the 6 year old in me.
See you egg production is up. My neighbor keeps me in eggs since his production shot up.

Laura said...

Hi Miss Carol-

I love your ebay finds, and yes- it becomes a little addictive- in a good way.I am living proof!

I need a recommendation for a good book to read by a Southern author.

What is the first title that comes to mind?


NitWit1 said...

Pretty soon you can put up a roadside sign: fresh eggs for sale!

I am sorry the snow went so far south of us, but El Nino has a strong effect this year.
But I'm glad many children who rarely see snow will have a chance to play in something they may have only seen in pictures.

Unknown said...

Bless your heart, your garden looks somewhat like mine but just think how it'll look next spring!

Take time to breathe.

KB said...

I guess that winter catches up with us almost everywhere, even in Southern Mississippi! I'll miss the summery photos, though.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

And...Kathleen Turner suffers from crippling RA too!

It is a busy time of the year. I am swamped, but had to drop by to see how those chickens are doing and what you're up to. Much love, Elizabeth.

JoyceAnn said...

Love your e-bay finds , they look brand new since you refinished them.
I covered my broccoli and cabbage , we're in the twenties tonight.

Enjoy that Snow !!

~ Blessings ~

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's such a busy time of the year Carol. I'm in Colorado visiting for my grandson's first birthday...such fun!

I wonder if you got snow? NYC was supposed to get some today but it rained instead.

Your E-Bay finds are wonderful! Do you believe I never bought anything on E-Bay? I'm afraid to look as I'd probably want to many