Thursday, August 20, 2009

" Lady Katherine "

I talked in my post yesterday about being surprised by several different things. I also talked about how amazed I am at how many bloggers out there have such creativity flowing in their lives. One of those very creative spirits I had in mind while writing that post was Lady Katherine @ Lady Katherine's Tea Parlor. When I visited her blog yesterday I got not only a surprise but my heart was broken after reading her post. Katherine also lives in Mississippi, about 100 miles from me. She is the founder of the Mississippi Blogger group Mississippi Magnolia Southern Belles. She contacted me a few months ago and ask me to join the group. I started following her blog and was just amazed at her enormous creative talent!

This is Lady Katherine drinking Tea in her Parlor............

She makes her own Scones to go with tea............

In fact, her talent for making things is incredible! A handmade Wall Sconce....

Her Hand Painted Kitchen this is creative talent!

She designed and built this China Hutch............

Built this Chandelier from used parts of other stuff..........

Painted this Cabinet...........

She makes Handmade Brooms..............

She painted these end tables for her Native American room............

Oh...and if you can make Brooms, you can also make Baskets! Can you believe this woman's talent?

Katherine lives with her talented husband of 31 years in a Bungalow on 10 acres of land where she also raises Chickens and Sheep......

Yesterday when visiting her wonderful Blog
I learned she has been in a long fight with Breast Cancer and is about to under go her 40th surgery. I not only was shocked, I was heart broken! I had to leave my computer and pray. After having my own recent scare about this disease, I just felt that posting about her today and asking ALL you wonderful friends out there to PRAY for Katherine was what I needed to do! Please visit her blog by one of the links I've provided here, join up to follow it and let us band together the way you ALL did for ME and ask for the FAVOR of GOD in Katherine's life and a MIRACLE in defense against this Monster Disease!


Unknown said...

A truly talented woman. Prayers are on the way.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful did for Lady Katherine...I also read her posts yesterday....and sat her and gave praises for godd new she had....then pray for her bad news she had....I heard about her recent surgery she had...but was shock that this is going to be her 40...She is amazing woman...She inspires me the way she has done for her family and her friends....and her blog....I will link to this post so everyone will read what you have shared..Thanks for sharing a wonderful post for her...Smiles and Hugs Katherinellen

T said...

Wow! that's a lot of talent in one person!!

Prayers being said.

Tess Kincaid said...

Katherine will be in my thoughts and prayers today, Carol.

Sherry Austin said...

40th surgery? Lawsy. Bless her heart.

Rosaria Williams said...

You are a good friend to feature Lady Katherine today. Our thoughts and prayers go to her.

Vicki Lane said...

She will be in my thoughts and intentions.

steviewren said...

OMGoodness, how heartbreaking. My prayers are with her for sure.

Dirt Princess said...

Well.....I clearly need to get off my butt and start doing something...WOW!

Medora said...

Holy cow, when does this woman sleep? So much beautiful work - lots of prayers for her and her family.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Carol, Your post made me cry. I'm so sorry for Katherine. I hope and pray that she will 'beat' that horrible disease. My prayers to her and her family.

One of my best friends is also struggling with breast cancer, so that makes it even more emotional to me.


Becca's Dirt said...

She is on my prayer list. I have been praying for my mom all day today and will lift Ms Catherine up as well. What talented lady she is. God bless you too Carol. I have also not commented much of late and I must pick myself up.

Missy B. said...

I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. She is a very talented lady! Her baskets are beautiful!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Carol, I am in awe of all the beautiful things Lady Katherine has made and her invincible spirit. It puts my minor life's problems into perspective. I will pray for her!

Sharon Rose said...

That is a lot of surgery! That disease is ravishing! I'm going to visit her and add to the prayer list!

crochet lady said...

Katherine sounds like an amazing woman. I will bring her to the Father in prayer.


Renie Burghardt said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to the amazingly talented Lady Katherine. God bless her as she fights on, against this dreaded disease.

Your caring thoughtfullness knows no bounds, Carol.

Renie xox

Kathryn Magendie said...

Sometimes my husband calls me Lady Kathryn - but, your Lady Katherine deserves that title!

I'm heading over there right now, my friend....

Jeanne said...

Thank you for posting about this remarkable lady. My prayers for healing will be constant.


Anonymous said...

What an amazingly talented and brave woman she is. Thank you for leading us to her blog. And to the TRUE definition of Hope!!!

I will definatley keep her, her family, as well as her surgeons and other doctors in my prayers!! Praying that God will guide the hands of those surgeons and keep their minds clear and fresh.

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

What an inspiration she is. She will be in my prayers. Thanks for sharing with us.

Glynis Peters said...

I hope all goes well for her, the strength she has to endure 40 ops.
I enjoyed reading about her talents, here on your post.

Simple Man Makin It Do said...

Oh, Carol I've came to your site several times today and I guess I have just been clicking on your title not your blog to see all your post.
What a beautiful article you have written about me. I did not know, I knew ladies from your site were coming over. I am lost for words, that doesn't happen very often ask my husband. You make me sound so special, Oh I am not, just a simple lady with a lot gone wrong with an illness. I never told my true story and still can't, Doc says look forward, I made it through some hard things. One day, I will tell my whole journey with breast cancer and all that happened. But for now, I am going to enjoy every minute God has given me. Please tell the lady that feels sorry for me, Never do, for this is my Cross to Bare and I bare it gratefully, for God has saved me three times from death door. I have gotten to live and enjoy life. Yes, there are bad days, but I have learned to pick myself up! Doc wonders how I do it,without medication, I say God and my Bible, and a loving family! Thank you for such an honor with such a beautiful article written about me. Thank you for such a wonderful gift of friendship, a gift of an Angel. Lady Katherine

Debra said...

I am a Mississippi blogger (Laurel) and have just came across your and Katherines blogs. Will be keeping her in prayer.

Have enjoyed visiting your blog today!

Blessings of peace and all that is good,
