Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It looks as though my sweet great gran Amy got surprised by something here! My son Todd took this photo of his beautiful baby granddaughter when she was in Oklahoma visiting from Germany.............

I got a surprise yesterday in the form of a E-Mail informing me that " THE WRITERS PORCH BLOG" had been nominated for the" MOST CHATTY BLOG AWARD" in the 2009 Book Blog Appreciation Awards!
The description of " MOST CHATTY " is this: " This blogger has a very chatty style. You feel like you could be sitting together, sipping wine and chatting about life." Talk about surprised! First, I do not consider my blog to be " a book blog". I started this blog mainly to show appreciation to all forms of creativity out here. Yes, books ARE my favorite thing in the world to talk about but books are just "ONE " form of the creative spirit! I'm amazed at the creativity of the blogs I follow! WRITERS both published and NOT YET published! ARTISTS, whose talent just stops me in my tracks! CRAFTERS who come up with amazing craft ideas that leave you shaking your head in awe! Let's not forget those who QUILT, CROCHET and SEW, which to me requires the patience of JOB, to create gorgeous works! PHOTOGRAPHERS, GARDNER'S, then you have those who raise all types of farm animals. Trust me, you have to be creative to live on a farm and raise animals. You have to be in tune with the weather, the animals and the varmints who are looking for a meal! What amazes me most, is that most creative people in the blog world, do have one or more of these things going on in their life!! There are a zillion great BOOK BLOGS out here who devote their blog to books and reading! If you click this picture on my sidebar you will find a list! So I am removing my blog from the nomination so that a blog about books has a better chance to win. I really do appreciate that someone nominated my blog but it should be a true BOOK BLOG that wins this award! THE WRITERS PORCH BLOG is DEDICATED to ALL of YOU who enhance our lives with YOUR CREATIVITY !

Guess what? I got surprised yesterday also by ANOTHER bloom in the Elephant Ears!! this Orangy/Red Butterfly!

You can't really see them...but this moma mallard surprised us with three babies swimming with her in the pond!! They look to be at least a week old! SURPRISE!!

I've been a real lazy blog commenter this week! My energy level is rock bottom lately and I apologize and promise to do better! :)


Morning's Minion said...

We have Mallard families as well, such fun to watch. I think "chatty" does describe your blog style--in the best possible way--a variety of interests and enthusiasms and a way of writing which draws us in.
That baby photo is just classic!

Sherry Austin said...

Well, congratulations on the nomination, anyhow! And if you're tired, why, why wouldn't you be, much as you do, Biscuit???

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Congratulations on your award even though you're giving it back -smile-. I was sitting here and smiling away for you, sounds like a terrible nice award.
That baby is The Most Precious Child I've seen in a while! Dave and I never had children and these past few days have been weepy with the loss of it. Give yours a hug and kiss for me, eh?

Vicki Lane said...

Lots of good surprises!

Book blogs are nice but I'm drawn to those that are more eclectic -- Congratulations on the nomination though! You are, indeed, chatty! In the nicest way! :-)

Rachel said...

Now how silly am I? I didn't even know that an Elephant Ear bloomed... I guess mine have never lived long enough to bloom.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Adorable photo of your Amy!! She looks as though she's just been told of an incredible shoe sale!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Carol, I've had a busy week also---and haven't been able to visit blogs much. I'm trying to catch back up today---at least a little.

Congrats on your nomination. You deserve it. I ALWAYS enjoy reading your 'chatty' blog.

Have a great day... How are the chickens doing???

NitWit1 said...

I bet you get some better pics of those baby Mallards soon.

Congrats on award! You do write a lovely blog, and it is evident your passion is books.

I have no direction with my blog except to share personal life experiences and a tiny peanut sized bit of knowledge now and then.

I am honored anyone stops by at all for the trivia I impart.

Jeannette StG said...

Love the face of your great-grand daughter so cute!
How nice of you to withdraw your nomination to a book blog. You are right, yours is more ecclectic. But you must have oodles of energy to live on a farm and do all the other things you do, besides farming!

NCmountainwoman said...

Congratulations anyway. And you DO make me feel chatty. So much so that I am sometimes a bit unhappy to see that so many other people have already commented on a particular blog of yours. On the other hand, I really enjoy the comments of your other followers so we can all chat.

As for "low energy level" do you think that might have something to do with the fact that you've been getting up BEFORE the chickens? Try to at least get with up WITH them.

Rebecca Nazar said...

That baby is the cutest thing, drew me right straight to your blog, which is delightful by the way.

Rosaria Williams said...

Congratulations on your deserved award. Hear, hear!

Tess Kincaid said...

That face is priceless!!

Congrats on the award. :^)

Medora said...

Wow, how cute is that child?!

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Carol,

That little angel has the sweetest face!

Congratulations on the award. You are a delightfully chatty blogger, and I enjoy all the different things you chat about, whether it's about books, writers, flowers, animals or making some delicious concoction from your garden. So, keep on chatting, and we'll keep on reading!

Happy Wednesday evening! I need to go and take some alka seltzer. Too much Chinese food today!

Renie xox

KB said...

Beautiful butterflies and mallards! And, I've never even heard of an elephant ear but it looks a tiny bit like the skunk cabbage blooms that we have in our colorado mountains.

Cindy said...

Oh what a great shot! She's adorable and that look. Too cute.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What a sweet little girl, she's just precious.
Congratulations on your nomination, I always feel welcome make it so.

forever lost said...

lovin that surprised look! and you need another one for most encouraging comments on other blogs!


Midlife Roadtripper said...

I love the butterfly. Congrats on the nomination. I think you should go for it.

crochet lady said...

I almost feel as if your voice is talking over the phone line when I read your blog, so I guess "chatty" might be a good fit. You have a great blog and I enjoy reading about your life and interests.

That surprise picture is just a hoot, love it! My what big round eyes he has, so cute.

Orange butterfly is fantastic, I am waiting for the hummingbird moths at my flowers. I'm a bit bummed i haven't seen one yet.

I wouldn't worry about the commenting, sometimes we just need a little break.


Sharon Rose said...

That sweet baby girl is cute enough to squeeze!

Arkansas Patti said...

Just had to laugh at that wonderful expression, wide eyes and all.
Congrats on the award. Always good to be recognized.
I do feel like it is coffee time here. Comfortable and fun.
Thank you.

Wobegon Cottage said...

beautiful baby..she is going to be a heart-breaker some day. Those beautiful eyes remind me of my first grandaughter. I find your blog so friendly and inviting and the people who comment are as well. I enjoyed your butterfly..I always wanted a butterfly garden.
You are a rose in the garden of life, a friend to be cherished.

Janet, said...

Love all the pictures, the baby is adorable. You do have a nice chatty blog. Congratulations on being nominated.

JoyceAnn said...

Wow ~ I love those elephant ear blooms , they're gorgeous. Your granddaughter is just precious and sooo beautiful!

~ Blessings ~

Anonymous said...

That precious baby lives in Germany?? YIKES! I hope Todd is getting plenty of snuggle time with her now.

Girlfriend, I'd give you the GUSTO award if there was one!