I wanted to be on a farm, just not this one. He had lived in this house with his first wife, she had decorated it and died here from a long bout with Colon Cancer. Actually she only lived here 18 months. It is a hard thing for a woman to move into what she feels is another woman's home!
Her "ghost" was all over this place for me. I barely even visited here the 4 years we dated.
I think he may have asked me to marry him within 2 weeks of showing up at my door but it took at least 3 years for me to even consider a move to this farm. I wanted to marry him, I just didn't want to live here! He had built the house himself with the help of his two sons and other family members. He had dug the pond with the same helpers, he did not want to leave it as he'd only been here 2 years when we began dating. We did A LOT of talking, I did A LOT of praying and I finally gave in after he promised, my name would go on the deed and I could CHANGE anything I wanted to CHANGE! The first thing we did was have this shed built to hold all the excess stuff of combining two households!
To these colors and the shed no longer matches the house! HA!
This open patio was changed ............
To this wonderful screen porch we LOVE!
This open pier became..........
The Pond House!
A clothes line was added...I have to have a clothes line!
A fountain was installed in the pond by Eric's commercial diver son...........
Every flower and flower bed was visioned and planted by me with his help!
I am now glad that I gave in because he is the best thing that ever happened to me and we live a really good and happy life here! Now you know WHY he works so hard to build my dreams!
Scroll down to the next two posts to read our love story!
I love the story of your first love in the other 2 posts. And I love the changes you made to everything! It is beautiful and I bet you are glad you're there and that you were turned into a liar.
WOW...good job..:)
Did you ever live on a farm before? All that canning and freezing. . . I'm sure you didn't pick that up from Farming For Dummies.
I am looking forward to your Joseph's Coat roses...that ought to be a glorious sight!
Sometimes it only takes a few *changes* to make something ours.
Merrilymarylee made me smile, and she makes a good point, you didn't pick up all your skills from "Farming for Dummies" RIGHT?
What a lovely story. You made the house yours that's for sure.
Change makes things our own and can be such a great blessing. You and your husband are a living testimony of that.
a beautiful home with your love all over it :)
What a sweet love story....
Your before pics look sort of like my house now...too funny!!!
I love the screened porch and water fountain. Gorgeous.
Yes change is hard, especially in relationships, no matter what the previous situations were.
What an amazing story! I read all three posts and really enjoyed them.
You are lucky to have such each other and it is so great that ya'll got back together, after so many years. Love all of your changes.
Hi Carol! I am glad you came by and I got to meet you. I really enjoyed reading your blog especially about your love story. Hope you see more of you...Christine
Carol, this is lovely. It is truly a love story when the compromises become memories you both can live with. And to know that you don't have to compete with her ghost, that he is know the love of your life and she helped create such an amazing space for you is just incredible!
Carol, with love anything can happen! And your hubby showed that he's taking his relationship with you seriously. Bravo you two!
Have to say, I love your pond house - so romantic:)
Good morning, Carol,
I'm late and I'm in a hurry. Sometimes, we resist change. We are comfortable with the old. But the changes you made, with Eric's help, are amazing, and your home is yours and his now, where you can live happily ever after. Your love story is beautiful. You are so blessed, dear friend.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hugs and blessings,
PS. Yes, I broke my hip on December 5, 2005. Thankfully, I recovered well, thanks to the good Lord.
Catching up here and really enjoyed the posts. What a neat story.
The changes you made clearly make it "your" home and what a lovely one it is. So glad you are now comfortable.
Well you were meant to take over that house and make it a home. You have a great eye, it is gorgeous.
Well Carol my dear lady you did a NUMBER! Your creative soul out-created what WAS and put something wonderful in place that IS! Well done.
As a person in the same age range as you are, I am particularly loving your love story...and will enjoy your future posts and joy of living so inherent in every word you write.
What a marvelous story! I loved reading about your life together building your home and look forward to hearing more.
What a wonderful post Carol! You did everything right to overcome your fears of living in a house that was someone else's first, but you've made it into a home for you and your soul mate; how fantastic.
Oh Carol, I have SO enjoyed reading your love story with Eric. It is so similar to ours--except that I didn't make George wait for several years. We met in Dec.2000--and were married the next June.
Happy Birthday, Eric... His birthday is one day after mine. AND--it appears that his entire goal in life is to make his bride happy. My George is just like that. He just bought me a laptop so that I can sit on the sofa and blog while watching the birds on my deck.
Love what you are doing (what both of you are doing) to your home and your courtyard. Amazing. It is YOUR home now.
I remember when George and I went to South Carolina to clean out his home down there and put it on the market. That's where his first wife (who died from cancer in 1998) lived--and the house was filled with HER.. I felt so uncomfortable there. BUT--luckily we sold his home and my home --and moved to OUR home. We both got rid of most everything we had had in our past life---and decorated this one with OUR stuff.
BUT--you two are working it out so well, and that farm is now YOURS and his.
Where in the Smokies did you get married? We got married outside along the TN River in Knoxville.
You were right to give in this is a lovely house! And even better that it feels like your house now!
I'm not sure what she is - they said "australian shepard mix" but, when I get her I'll see for myself :)
See you in Sylva!whhoohooo!
Happy belated birthday to your husband! Beautiful post about him!
This is a wonderful feel-good story. I'm glad I followed your link from Elizabeth's Interview at Authors Exchange Blog.
Wow Carol ~ What a story , that's truly remarkable , I enjoyed reading never say never , such a wonderful love story.
Your home is beautiful , the pond would be my favorite spot , love the pond house.
~ Many Blessings ~
Wow, Carol, I don't know where to begin....
OK, I LOVE the changes you made to the farm! You have a lovely home and it is blessed because of you and your family. I hadn't read your older posts about how you met your husband, thank you for reposting them! I have just read the best love story ever....
Thank you for "lying" to yourself!
Wonderful posts! I love reading them...it is a true love story. :)
Love all three post of your "Love Story" and your hubby "Birthday Post" I just got through reading a great story...WOW! Love your farm....love the pool house,ponds, and your cute house...espcially the porch. One day we (Mississippi Belle) will meet one day...I'm just 30 minx from you...I go to Hattiesburg all the time...got to meet you one day...I'm on facebook too! :D I enjoyed reading all your post...I add you to my follow list...thought I did before but found out I didn't...Will try to visit you more...Just been busy around in the summer...Have a wonderful week...smiles and hugs..Katherinellen
Looks like you've got yourself a paradise there, Biscuit.
A true love story which all us girls love to hear.
I can understand your feelings, moving into another woman's house, with her taste and memories all about you. I think you've changed it for the better, it now houses your memories and stories, and I absolutely love your pond and pondhouse.
A lovely personal post Carol, thanks for sharing with us...
Your changes are beautiful and your life there seems so full and happy. I think Eric is the best.
You asked about the sorbet - it is very easy. Drive to your nearest supermarket and open freezer door, put container in cart, wheel to check out, drive home. Enjoy.
L -
That would be a hard thing. But looks like you made it work. I love the changes you made.
That would be a hard thing. But looks like you made it work. I love the changes you made.
That is a wonderful story. I have often thought how difficult it must be to move into another woman's home and then make it your own without incurring offence. Love that pond house!
I can understand completely about your reluctance to live in someone else's house. I'm in the same situation and we have done the same as you changing the house. What a beautiful spot you have and such a lovely home. I enjoyed watching the transition as it became your place.
Hi Carol! Thanks SO much for visiting my blog. I got your email and will respond hopefully later tonight. I have to go and work my 'real' job now. :-( I will be happy to tell you all about the chicken coop. I'm going to be featuring a bird a day on my blog...lol, and then end up with the coop itself.
You will LOVE having birds.
Can't wait to read more of your blog. It looks so lovely!
hi there.. nice to meet you.. i'm from indonesia.. hope u visit me back... :))
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