These two posts were originally published on January 11 and 12, 2009. Due to the interest shown in mine and Eric's story I'm republishing them today..............
How often have you said; "never again, I'll never do that" only to find yourself doing it?
I am guilty,guilty,guilty. Let's start with: "I will NEVER move back to Hattiesburg Mississippi,I will NEVER date again,I will NEVER,NEVER,NEVER get married again. I lied, I lied,I lied.
Oh, and let me add the minor ones like, I will never blog, comment on a blog, join a My Space or Facebook group. Liar,Liar,Truth,Liar. I NEVER did the My Space.
I don't know if it was fate,destiny(are those the same),coincidence or God but I really have been doing a lot of lying! I guess I should explain and ask forgiveness?
Here goes.........In December 1998 I moved to a six hundred acre farm in Middle Tennessee in a 150 year two story log house. A single woman, a tiny Peek-a-Poo dog named Sassy and a cat named Cloe. I had fallen into the Y2K trap and I was getting prepared! Spring water, wood heat and plenty of garden room. As you know,Y2K never happened. However the surroundings were a life long dream and I loved it. The nest was now empty, I'd had my fill of dating(here's where the never starts) I had my own little business, life was good. I could write, read, cook or not cook,
make my own hours for work and not have to please anyone. Things went smooth for awhile.
Then my sweet Mother died in Feb 2001............I was lost. I don't care how old you are, losing your Mother makes you feel orphaned. I was still reeling from that when 9/11 happened.
America was not the only one who got attacked that day! I was on my way into Nashville, stopped dead still at a red light, wearing my seat belt, obeying all the laws when BOOM, the van in front of me put it in reverse, gave it the gas and backed over me! I remember thinking, this fool did not just back over me! I had an immediate, excruciating headache. I could not get out the driver's side so I crawled out the passenger side. Before all of this was over, I had three bulging discs, a sprained foot, a broke foot. I muddled through all of this, got well enough to continue my business on a limited basis and kept chugging along. Then in 2002 my childhood friend and bestselling author(She's like Harper seclusion) told me I should move back to Mississippi and write a book. Thus the seed was planted for lie number two! However I skirted this one by saying;"not Hattiesburg". Liar, Liar, pants on fire! My plan was to move to Bay St. Louis on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where I knew not a soul. Hey, I'm friendly, I could make friends fast.
Then word got out to my other Hattiesburg friends and things went haywire! " You need to move back to the burg where you have friends, visit Bay St. Louis for awhile, make friends there and then you can relocate. Okay........sounds reasonable. So I bought it! Packed it up and moved back to Hattiesburg, Mississippi! Some friends came all the way to Nashville to help!
March 2003.........Life in Hattiesburg begins! Still not's been 4 years and 10 months!
Fast forward six months...................December 2003. Let me inject that I had a few days prior told a friend;" if God wants me to have someone he will arrange it" to which she replied; He is not gonna send them to your door!
A knock at the door!! Excuse me, God can do whatever he pleases! I open the door and on the other side was my very first love! Grinning like he'd just won the lottery! My first words were;
" Oh MY GOD !! Scroll down for the REST of The Story
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Never Say Never..Destiny Will Make A Liar of You Everytime!
Harper Lee,
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Hi Carol, well that was quite a story! Thanks for sharing! You are a good writer and it's easy reading for a non native speaker. I am looking forward to seeing more of your writing.
Thanks Wil.........
Hey Kat......Sorry for the wait.
Hopefully you forgive me when it's over?? Yes, you can interview me!
I am intrigued by the first chapter. I am anxiously anticipating the next chapter. You really are a great writer!
Carol, you've got me hook line and sinker now! Your life...I need to know more now!
Oh Carol, this is just so neat...I wasn't interested in dating after my divorce. I put myself into my work--and ignored my own life for many years.
My mother died in 1991--and as the years passed after that, I began to feel very lonely (although I had family and friends nearby).. I noticed that my job wouldn't keep me warm at night.
SO--in my mind, I started thinking about finding a 'companion' to spend my Golden years with. The list of what I wanted in this man was VERY long. I knew I'd never meet a man with ALL of those qualifications.
Well--the story goes on and I'll blog it sometime... I obviously did find that man....
Glad you moved back to Hattiesburg and Glad that Eric came back into your life. God is GOOD..
Hello Carol. I came over to thank you for commenting on my post and have found a terrific blog that I shall enjoy following. I love your Farm and what you have done to make it your own.
Such a romantic story, and beautifully written. I am sure you will write your novel and it will be a great success.
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