Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Ready-Are You?

For the past few nights the temps have gone down into the high 50s and low 60s making the morning coffee on the screen porch a "fallish" affair. I'm ready, are you? The weather has been really crazy this summer! We nearly cooked in June with 14 days of over 100 degrees and a month of no rain. July and August have been much cooler than I've ever known it to be. Records have been broken these past few days with this fallish weather, highs being only in the low 80s and no humidity. I'm looking forward to Fall though. I'm just wondering if this will be a colder than normal Winter?

I'm ready for some football too!! We've been watching the pre-season games and my Titans look good! They will be wearing the # 9 on their helmets in memory of Steve McNair. We also like to watch the New Orleans Saints, Arizona Cardinals and The Chargers. We want to attend some of Oak Grove High Schools games and watch Steve McNair Jr. play. I have been ask " what in the world" is wrong with Hattiesburg home boy Brett Favre? He likes to play football I guess and doesn't know when to quit! HA!

This is a Pink Swirl Hardy Hibiscus. I planted 20 seeds for these yesterday and hope to grow them in the green house over the winter.

My Cannas are so pretty and fallish colored!

They really have outdone themselves this year............

Those blooms came from this bed............

My little Morning Glory Vine.........

I captured this butterfly on the Zinnias in the St. Francis bed...........

The basket I fixed the other day is thriving............

I made Pepper Butter over the weekend. We tried it on Hamburgers. So good! We are going to do a Pork Tenderloin glazed with it.

We had to relocate another coon yesterday. He was a real doozy. Scared our cat out of two lives with his hissing and squalling. Didn't do me much good either!

If you click and enlarge this pic, you see two of the three baby ducks. The third one was there but it doesn't show up in the picture....

Well........after 10 weeks, we are just way too attached to Duke to let him go. My Aunt took the news fairly well. :) This Pekingese family will stay together at the farm. Now we have to start the Spay/neuter process. Sadie's going first as it will stop the nursing process. Then Jake and then the fat boys.

Have A Great Day! :0)


Arkansas Patti said...

The weather has been delightfully wierd hasn't it? Love these open window days.
Me too on football though I love my Fins, but it does overlap my baseball and Marlins. I am spending way too much time sitting watching others be active.
I am so glad you are keeping Duke. Could see that coming. You are now a pack leader.

Unknown said...

I'm so ready for fall as it's my favorite season anyway. Your flowers are just beautiful an I admire your growing from seeds; I'm so impatient with that.

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Fall is my favorite season, but after blogging yesterday about Summer's Last Hurrah, I've decided I'm not ready!! I broke beans and drank iced tea yesterday afternoon in the shade, and I'm going to hang on to summer as long as possible. It's not been too terribly hot here in IN, so I guess that's why it's still ok with me.

Would love to have the recipe for the pepper butter!

How many coons have you trapped? My husband almost shot one of our cats in the garage the other day, his tail looks just like a coon!

Janet, said...

I am so ready for fall. We had a cool night last night. It seems like around here everyone is getting geared up for football, too. Everywhere you look, all you see is WVU yard flags and WVU clothing in the stores. West Virginia doesn't have any pro teams, so we go Mountaineer crazy!

Sherry Austin said...

Honey, I do love looking at your pictures of your flowers, pepper butter, and what not.

I_am_Tulsa said...

Oh I can't stop saying how much I love autumn...
(Those leaves in the first pic are beautiful by the way!)
Comfy light cardigans, vegetable stew and nice cool breezes are what makes me happy about autumn, which is also my ideal time of the year to read, read, read!

Anonymous said...

I loved the red leaves too.

As for the last photo I think the dogs know what's coming...

Tess Kincaid said...

Ooooh yeah. I'm ready!!!

Rosaria Williams said...

Yes, fall is on its way. We are noticing geese and duck returning to the lake for a few weeks, on their way south. Was this summer too short?

The weather people are predicting an El Nino condition: warmer than usual Pacific storms, more turbulent weather mixing over the Cascades and the Rockies, and more precipitation, floods and severe weather everywhere. Better bring the animals in the coop.

p.s. I did not know hibiscus could be grown from seed. Will it survive indoors in the winter?

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I had wondered how you were going to manage letting go of Duke because they are so cute together.

Oh, they will enjoy growing up together so much!

The cannas are gorgeous!

Are you sure that's a different raccoon? Maybe he canoed back over. :) Your yard has to be the most interesting one around!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

The noises those raccoons make is hilarious! We always think they sound like grumpy old men, fussing.

Our evening temps are only going down into the upper 70s. Sigh! :)

Mystery Writing is Murder

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Keeping Duke.....now there's a surprise...NOT lol but I am glad such a little family too break up. I'd have been just the same :))

KB said...

It's fallish here too for morning coffee on the deck. 45 deg this morning but it's east-facing so the sun keeps me warm. I'm good to 40 deg!

Duke stays! That's great news. You'll have a blast with a pair of littermates. But, my first pair of dogs were littermates, and two puppies is far more than double the work and fun of one. I think that you already know that!

NCmountainwoman said...

No big surprise that Duke isn't going anywhere.

I look forward to all the good things fall brings, but somehow I'm just not ready yet and don't want to give up summer.

Vicki Lane said...

It's feeling fallish here in the mountains, especially early in the morning. The hummingbirds seem to be moving on -- a few weeks ago I was having to refill the feeders once ot twice a day -- not so now.

I always love watching the seasons roll around. Usually fall is a great relief from the heat but this summer has been so moderate that we've really enjoyed the weather.

JoyceAnn said...

We've had the same weather pattern here , it's been strange.
Your cannas look great and love the butterfly pic. If you keep posting pics of those little ducklings , I may have to dig a pond (LOL) , they're so cute.

~ Blessings ~

Reader Wil said...

The first photo is so beautiful with these orange leaves! The others are also very beautiful!
It must be difficult to let Duke go! For him it will be difficult too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Morning Carol, The good news is our weather has been wonderful. The bad news is the HOT weather is returning. I just hope that it won't be too HOT. Like you, I'm ready for Fall.

Love your Cannas. I want some of them. When do you plant them? Are they perennials?

Glad you are keeping your babies together.. They are such a cute little family.

Glad also that you got another of those pesky coons.. We've been using powerful water guns on our squirrels --and it's working. They are staying away from our bird feeders on the deck, at least for now!!!!

I love football also--including the TITANS of course. I've watched their pre-season games --and they looked good until they played Dallas. BUT--pre-season doesn't mean much. We're also looking forward to our UT Vols.

Have a wonderful day, my friend.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Yes, ready for Fall here also...
Though we really have had wonderful weather this Summer, I would be willing to take another month or so.
Glad to hear you are keeping both of the puppies, I must have missed something, (maybe when I'm working), but it looks like one happy pup family to me.
Love your relish !

ceecee said...

I envy you those cool mornings on the porch. I can hardly wait for autumn. Your pork roast will be delicious with that Pepper Butter. Is that a Mississippi recipe?

Dirt Princess said...

I am ready for fall too! Too bad the weather won't stay cool like this for long. I can't believe how big the babies are getting!

Missy B. said...

Awww, I am glad that your canine family is staying together...it just seems so right!
Your flowers are beautiful as always. Have a great week!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Hi, found you over at Susan's 29 Black Street, so mosied on over. That top photo is extremely compelling. Love the animal stories. I live in Texas. Talking about hot...

Sharon Rose said...

Did I hear somebody say FOOTBALL???? I am excited to have this season starting up again!

Love the pictures. The duck babies are so sweet. Then I went and enlarged the picture of Jake and the fat boys. . . . tried really hard to pet them!

Oh Carol, do you want me to come and take one off your hands?

Elizabeth Bradley said...

It was the same here in Southern California, hot in June, cooler in August, but it was hot yesterday again and it's supposed to be a scorcher today. I'm ready for fall too! I love autumn.

Glad to hear the doggies are staying together, too sweet.

Margaret Hall said...

Ohhhh, I so love the walk thru your garden~! It is lovely..and the doggies..they are so precious~!!Autumn is my favorite season, actually...I am done with summer...

Marguerite said...

I'm not quite ready for fall and we do not usually get anything that resembles fall until mid- October, here. Love your flower pics, especially the Cannas. I used to be the same way, with litters of pups of my Black Lab, but when she had a litter of nine, I had to draw the line! That Pepper Butter looks divine!

Tiffany Norris said...

Our weather has been more typical Texas--hot and dry. I still feel just a touch of fall in the air in the mornings, though, and it makes me ready for football, too! (Although I pull for the Cowboys and Falcons.) ;)
Your hibiscus is beautiful--we have some on campus here, and I don't remember ever seeing them before that.
And one more comment on the longest comment ever--I'm glad your pups are staying together; look forward to seeing more pictures of all four of them!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the weather too! Can't wait till Fall...Heard that we are having early Fall...soon...Great photos...Beautiful! Have you heard from Lady Katherine....After I post this ..I'm going to visit her...Hope you have a great day...Smiles and Hugs..Katherinellen

Becca's Dirt said...

Yes Carol - It feels so good to me too. I hope we have an early fall. I am ready to plant some stuff for fall. Love the cannas. I'm glad you are keeping Duke.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Ohhh, those flowers!

I feel fall in the mountain air too --- and some of the tress are tipping with color, though our color may be muted this fall due to the rain we've had -it'll still be glorious!

I love football -as long as I have a team to root for, and if not, I am bored.

Carol............. said...

Yes, fall! .....my Boston Ivy is already turning color.

Your pictures are great especially the flowers which are one of my favorite photo subjects.

Medora said...

Just stunning colors - love the first one of the leaves. What a brilliant red they are!

I am ready to make some jam soon - I love to make it when it starts to get chilly, it makes my apartment nice and warm and smell so sweet and comfy.

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Carol,

Oh, your flowers, yard, everything is so pretty. You and Eric must work your tails off to keep it all so picture peerfect.

Glad to hear the doggie family will stay together.

We've been in the mid-fifties at night for over a week, and low 80s during the day. Weather radio keeps saying we're having October weather now. Summer has been most unusual this year, except for that spell of normal upper 90s druing the last ten days of June. So I have enjoyed it!

I love fall. It's almost fairyland-like in these forested Ozark hills. But I am NOT ready for it. Winter comes too quickly after fall, and last winter is still fresh in my mind.

Oh, I don't have a screened in porch, but I do have an all glass sun room, which looks out on the pond and woods, and coffee is usually mighty tasty there, every morning.

Have a great rest of the week.


Renie xox

NitWit1 said...

I wondered how you were gonna part with a puppy! That's why my females never got the joy of motherhood. My yard would be chock full of German Shepherds, and now my little rescue female who is a sweetheart, too.

It has been an unusual year in my part of AR starting with the 100-year ice storm in Feb., Only a couple of 100+ deg. days, and plenty of rain.

We been on vacation in August and fished at high noon on the upper part of our huge lake. It is rare we even ventured out on a lake in August due to super hot 100+ deg days.

Today we started at 57 deg and currently at 81 deg, high 82 degree at 7:30 p.m.

Enjoy every minute !!!

crochet lady said...

Your flowers look great. I love the thought of the approaching fall, but will miss my summer flowers. Thankfully I'll still have Autumn Joy sedum and hydrangeas, that turn there best colors in fall.

steviewren said...

I love that fall picture. The leaves are brilliant. Was that taken on the farm last year?

What did you put in your pepper butter? I'm familiar with chow chow and pepper jelly, but not pepper butter. Do tell.

Merisi said...

Would you believe it that the very moment I clicked on your link I was thinking that I sort of seem to be the last person on earth who is still enjoying summer and wants to continue to live every moment of its glorious summerlyness as long as it lasts?

Your red leaves are gorgeous, though.
And I wish you the best of days, whatever season they may be found in! :-)

T said...

SO ready for fall! But I so miss the TN mountains blanketed in their finery!!

Your pups are just adorable! We added to our family while visiting my mom in TN.....we adopted a hound pup (we named him Nash - in honor of Nashville!) and couldn't love him more!

That is one heck of a coon.....he needs to go and leave your lovely garden and chickens alone.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I'm hearing that with our mild summer were are going to get a doozy of a winter...substantial snow. We'll see.

Your flowers are stunning.

Rachel said...

Our VA. weather has been so moderate all summer but I'm still ready for fall... I'm always ready for fall. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, huzzah! Titans are looking good. I hope we can get our due this year. Good visitin'... that coon sure was cute.

susan said...

Just found your blog! I am originally a MS girl myself! You are right about this weather and I have wondered the same thing about the winter forecast. We love our Titans too!

Cindy said...

Gorgeous photos and I'm ready for fall/autumn it's my favorite season. It's been in the low to mid 90's here for the past few weeks. The thunderstorms bring some relief but then sometimes they make it like a sauna outside. Yes, I'm ready!!! Bring on the cool weather.

Brenda said...

Fall is my favorite season, and I'm certainly ready it! (Your pictures are beautiful!)

Captain Hook and Lady Crochet said...

Glad you liked the pepper butter! We have trouble with 'coons too. I give them to my neighbor to train his dogs with. Not so PC...but it gets them out of my hair.