I love Honey! My favorite Honey is the Appalachian Sourwood Honey I haul back by the case every year from my visits to my Beloved Smokey Mountains. I can't imagine not being able to
have this Honey available.........................

However if the situation with our Honey Bees dying here in America keeps happening, this may not be the " Land of Milk and Honey " much longer. Honey Bees are responsible for much more of our diet than just their wonderful Honey! They MUST be saved!

Today I discovered terrific blog located in Boone, NC that has a
MUST SEE POST on this !!
Please follow this link and read how important it is to do what you can to help with this fight to save the Honey Bees !
the taste of honey
is like
a kiss that never ends.
Thank you for taking the time to do this......Every little bit helps!
Very good post! Did you ever read Kosta's blog? He keeps bees in Greece and knows all about it.
Thanks for visiting my blog ! The strangler Fig Tree won't bloom as far as I know. It's also a very tall tree. I added another photo to show how enormous it is.
Great Bee photos and information.
Thanks for the post.
Great photos!
Isn't honey like a liquid jewel?! Not only is it delicious, it is also beautiful! I buy Greek honey to make my husband's favorite cookies and other Greek delicacies. And I love the way it looks draped across Vanilla Ice Cream. Save the Bee!!
Enjoy your Sunday, Carol.
This is an important post. We take the birds and bees for granted...
My Hubby thought that honey was the cure for everything. He liked clover honey. Your post and pictures are great.
I recently watched a documentary about this subject...the disappearance of the honey bees...
It was on the Nature series on Public Broadcasting Network.
A scary thought !
Thanks for a great post .
I am concerned about the bees --I saw so few last summer.
Thank you for identifying the angel in my post today. I found it in my images and forgot where the photo originated.
Yes, indeed. We all need to spread the word and help the bees. Nice post.
honey is beneficial to health.
have a good health
I'm on my way to that blog. How funny, my neice lives in Boone, NC. Hope you're feeling better!
What would we put on our biscuits??!!
Ah, honey! I eat it on my oatmeal, on my biscuits, in my tea. Loved your post and pics, Carol. Indeed, we're living in a world where so many things are shifting and passing away. Thank you for the reminder.
I have a friend who is PASSIONATE about this subject, she has even sent my kids books all about it, she makes bee-hives (houses) in her spare time and gifts them to anyone who will take them. She will love this site (smile).
I have been reading about this and it's a tragedy!
Have you had Lavender Honey? Yummmmm
Since this came to my attention last year, I've many baby lavender plants ready to go this spring. I'm giving up part of my vegetable garder for this...and will expand as I need.
These parts still have sooo many honey bees. Driving the roads to our closest town at pollinating time is dangerous. For them! The fields of mustard, lentils etc are on both sides of the road for miles and miles. My car alone can masacre hundreds on my roundtrip. My current lavenders are enmassed with the bees, so I want to expand their domain here.
It's the one small thing I can do...
Wonderful photos! We were very frightened year before last when the bees seemed to have disappeared. But last year there were many more. Still not up to the normal amount, of course. You are right. For pollination alone, it's vital.
We forget the honey bees when we live in a suburban area, until we read something about them.
Thanks for sharing this important information.
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