I started reading SharynMcCrumb books about twenty years ago.
If you read this blog, you already know that I give her credit for my love affair with books set in Appalachia.
She is without a doubt, my all time favorite Author ! I have never had the honor of meeting Sharyn in person, though I have occasionally dreamed that one day she would do a signing near me and I would haul my collection of her books to it and get them all signed! Maybe even be lucky enough to get my picture taken with her! I have however communicated with her a few times via e-mail. This is the good part !!
Sharyn has a new book coming out later this year" FASTER PASTOR " and has added
You heard me right......... I, ( can you believe it?) will be interviewing my favorite Author!
I'll be one of the first to review the new book ! Does this mean I will get a "First Edition" signed copy? OMG........ I just now realized that possibility!! I NEVER DREAMED this could happen to me, what a dream come true !
That is SO cool, Carol. Hmm, are you a tad bit excited? LOL
That's great and I'm sure you're really looking forward to that interview. I look forward to reading it also.
OH WOW......I didn't know where else to put this comment, but I was just scrolling down your sidebar and saw To Kill A Mockingbird! I finished it last week....yeah, I'm ashamed to admit I'm JUST reading it at almost 62 years old! WHAT a book!
I'll be blogging about it this week. I have to say, it's THEE best book I've ever read and still CANNOT figure out why I never read it sooner!
I am sooooooo excited ! Maybe I will be back from the clouds by the time it takes place!
I'm very happy for you. Do you interview many authors?I found a neat blog today. An author who promotes other authors. Have you heard of this blog?
Tina Sue wrote to me and she seems really keen on helping authors promote. I shall blog about her soon, as she took the time to e-mail me what she does to help, for FREE.
I am so happy for your Carol!! DO you have your interview questions ready? I bet you are onl cloud nine. If you ever interview John Grisham ~sigh~ I want to be there!
I am so happy for your Carol!! DO you have your interview questions ready? I bet you are onl cloud nine. If you ever interview John Grisham ~sigh~ I want to be there!
Oh, how much fun is this?! Wow! Good for you, Carol. I'm so happy for you. I have the same sort of reverence for Barbara Kingsolver. I'd be all atwitter and aquiver in your shoes! :-)
That is so exciting !
One of my friends here in town is a wonderful Southern author...Michael Lee West (Crazy Ladies).
By the way, i have nominated you for an award, check out my blog !
Big huge congratulations. I know you're so thrilled.
I did get to meet Sharyn a few years ago and have to say she is the nicest person, putting up with an aspiring writers' bubbling over thrill at meeting her. And she has also been gracious enough to send me some signed books for a raffle I'm working on to benefit our local animal shelter.
I can't wait to read your interview with her. I'm envious.
Gutsy.......this will be my first scheduled Author interview, however since the book is not coming out until later this year,
I may contact some other favorite Authors and get a jump start!
I started this blog to review books I think are great reads, but I'm thinking that interviewing favorite Authors would also help them with sales!
Katherine....you cannot fathom how much this excites me and NO I don't have them ready as I have a while yet till the new book comes out!
Terri........I am so delighted!Also thrilled you read TKAM !Now you know why Harper Lee won The Pulitzer!
Peggy.......you should "dream" they do come true!
Josephine.....I know your taste is similar to mine so I ordered Crazy Ladies! Thanks for the heads up on a Tennessee Author! And thanks for the award, THREE in a week, I am truly astounded by the love this blog is recieving!
Susan.........I am THRILLED to see you here! You envious, HA, you have met her! I am the envious one
here! You have probably met Vicki Lane too! Now I'm really turning green!I feel like I know both of them but meeting them in person is my dream!
Oh yes, and if I met Dean Koontz or Patricia Kingsolver, I could die a happy woman! I know exactly what you mean! Lucky lucky you!
will give it a try - sounds interesting.
How wonderful. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Way to go!
Congratulations! wonderful to meet your favourite author! I've never read one of her books, but I hope to remember her name when I am in a bookshop.Thank you for this review.
About Dickens: I read most of his books and saw Little Dorit just recently. I like all the DVD's of Dickens's books.
Color me green!!!! I love her Nora Bonesteel books!!! They are pure poetry!!!! I can't wait to see the interview here.
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