Thank you all so much for your response to " It's Now or Never"! I have to confess though that the post was totally fiction! I wish I had dreamed it! It is the beginning of a fiction short story I began a couple of days ago that I wanted to share with you.I threw the dream thing in for fun! I do dream( awake) of going to Monroeville and being fortunate enough to meet Harper Lee, but I must confess, I would probably be exactly like I am in the story, petrified! It would to me, be
like Dorothy meeting the Wizard in OZ !
Carolyn@ Mountain Musings wrote me that she is losing sleep reading " The Help"because it is one of the best books she's read in years, can't wait to finish,but doesn't want it to end!
Carolyn, I forwarded your comments to Kathryn.
After hearing that I was criticized by another blogger for losing sleep to finish " The Help",
Carolyn Jourdan, author of " Heart in the Right Place " wrote: " I feel sorry for anyone whose has never gotten hold of a good book that kept them up late reading". My sentiments exactly!
I can't count the nights I've stayed up reading, sometimes till daylight. I believe is an authors dream to write a book so good, the reader can't sleep because of wanting to read what happens next!! Who among you has never stayed up late reading?
Look to your right at the bookshelf....this thing is pretty awesome! Put your mouse on the book for an editorial review of the book. If you get one, load as many books as you can while you are setting it up, I have not been able to get it to load more books since the initial setup.
Have a wonderful time at the book signing and give my regards to ol' New Orleans. It is a city after my own heart - I was married there.
(Sorry you didn't get your invite for dinner on time!!! I'll to try do better next time!)
I can't wait to hear all about the book signing. I keep hearing people talking about this book.
Believe me, I know too well the experience of staying up late to finish a book. Starting when I was a little girl and read under the covers with a flashlight!
Have a fabulous time on your book signing trip !
I'm sure you'll fill us in on all the happenings, when you return home, in the meantime have fun ;0
Yet another good book it seems, to add to my growing reading list thanks to you Carol!
Have a grand time on your trip and will be anxious to hear all about it!
Oh, my, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at the reading and book singning. Can't wait to hear more about it, Carol.
Count me in as one who has foregone sleep to continue reading. A fantastic book is a treasure to be enjoyed!
Enjoy your trip to the Big Easy; I hope you have a beautiful day.
I've stayed up way past my bedtime too becuase I could not put a book down.
Okey doke. You have talked me into it. I have placed my order for this book.
Carol, can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Oh! This sounds like such a wonderful book! I'm so glad to have caught up with your blog this morning to see this post and the one above about the book signing.
Has Kathryn been contacted by Suzanne at www.dearreader.com? This sounds like a perfect book to be profiled in her weekly fiction offer. Look at the website and see if you think she'd be interested. It will give her book much exposure!
OKAY....Now I'm really jealous! (smile) You're going to MEET Kathryn?
I'm 3/4 of the way through THE HELP....and OH WOW! Yup, THEE best book I've read in ages! I just don't want it to end! All the hype about this book is spot on!
PS.....Just checked out Where the Woodbine Twines...and it looks like I'm going to have to add another one to my collection, because of YOU. (smile) It sounds SO good!
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