Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Hemingway....and Three Visitors" .........

If you remember awhile back I introduced you to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow our resident Blue Heron. Today you will meet Ernest Hemingway, a White Crane. It's not easy to get pictures of Hemi as everytime I get my camera ready, Henry chases Hemi off!

I zoomed this one and it blurred....................
Yesterday morning as we drank our coffee on the screened porch, we had three surprise visitors.
Hemingway was already out there fishing, so I grabed my camera...........

Three Canadian Geese stopped by for a swim and partook of the morning fish feeding!

They didn't seem to mind having their picture taken....................

You can see Hemi moved to the far bank not quite sure who these three were.
Between the geese and Hemmi you can see that one of the Mallard Drakes jumped in to investigate the squatters. They stayed around for a couple of hours, played us a honking tune
and flew out headed North...........We have no idea where Henry Wadsworth was all day but he returned late in the day having missed it all! Hemingway had fished all day in peace!


sallymandy said...

Nice! Thanks for sharing. Spring is on its way, and these photos are a good reminder (since we got two inches of snow last night, I'm glad to see them).

steviewren said...

I'd love to have views like these from my breakfast table! It's a nice way to start the day.

Elenka said... the names you gave those birds! Must be nice to sit on a porch and watch them. I don't think I'd even get up to do anything else...well, maybe have lunch.

Anonymous said...

Haha it makes me think of this Hemingway shirt We do things MY WAY Or the HEMINGWAY.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What lovely names...
It must be quite an inspiration every morning, to sit and drink your tea (coffee), and watch the visitors.
A magical place...

Carol Murdock said... good thing about snow is, is does melt and reveals the beauty beneath.

Stevie..........we didn't get the porch built till Sept. and then it turned off too cold in the mornings to enjoy it, so we are looking forward to these 70 degree mornings. is really a blesssing!

Kat.......we had the same problem with our 25 Mallards till we gave all but 5 away!

Anonymous.....I like that shirt,
may just order one! really is peaceful
and stress free, I'm blessed!

ceecee said...

I would love to have this much wildlife outside my door. I have a few doves that visit and one very mischievious squirrel who lounges on my chair everyday, twice a day! I do see herons flying overhead though...and sometimes at night I hear owls. Oh, and my husband saw a bobcat once. Guess I DO have some wildlife! Maybe if I got off the computer....

Naturegirl said...

Love the names that you give the birds! Canada geese are certainly plentiful in my corner of the world..but while I vacation in AZ..not a one can be found!Too hot ..too far.Did you know many stay home in the winter and do quite nicely.
(do you have an image stabilizer on your camera..perhaps it's the shaking that caused the blur)

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, I love your pictures, Carol. I have a Blue Heron here, but he is very shy and flies off as soon as he sees me. A couple of weeks ago one of the cats was trying to sneak up on him, and he took off! Scared of a cat! I think Felix felt mighty proud of himself for scaring big bird. Haha. One of these days, I'll get a picture of him.

I used to keep ducks and geese, but eventually something got all of them and I gave up on raising them for coyotes or other wild critters.

Hope your Sunday has been lovely. We had 75 degrees today, and I enjoyed it out with friends.



Chester Campbell said...

Hi, Carol, enjoyed seeing and reading about your bird friends. I saw a cardinal on the rail of our deck this morning. The birds are still around Nashville, but our backyard isn't large enough for many. Your crane reminded me of one I'd see every morning around a pond on my great-uncle's farm near St. Augustine when I was a kid.

Thanks for your comments on my saga in Kaye Barley's blog last week.

david mcmahon said...

I hope Hemingway realises the importance of, ahem, being Ernest!

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for showing these waterbirds!Lovely to give them names of famous writers. Iris Murdoch always wrote about water in some way. Is one of the water birds going to be named after her? LOL
You asked about the Judas tree. I was told by our guide that the tree was called Judas, because it was a lyer like him. It has an abundance of flowers but no fruit in the end.

Anonymous said...

Now Hemingway was a writer ! A lot of "writers" today could take lessons from him !

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a wonderful way to greet your morning!
There is a salt marsh not far from where I live where I've see herons and cranes and they always take my breath away with their grace and beauty.

Gutsy Living said...

What a fabulous view you have. I'm envious. I also love the names you gave to the birds. I'm sure you came up with them. Must be even more beautiful in the summer.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Gorgeous photos, Carol. I love looking at the birds.

The Prodigal Tourist said...

How do you drag yourself away from the porch to start your day? We'd probably just sit there watching the literati swim and hunt!