Tuesday, March 24, 2009

" A Bad Knee and A Change of Plans"

Due to a hurting right knee and a forecast of severe weather,
I've had a change of plans........just temporary though......
Instead of going to this beautiful place today...........

And Staying in this beautiful room
tonight and tomorrow night.................

Sleeping in this gorgeous Antique bed....

In this wonderful Bed & Breakfast

On Friday I will go down to New Orleans for the day
to attend two of the Master Series Classes................

One class is with John Berendt.......................

Author of ....................
" Midnight In The Garden of Good And Evil...

"The City of Falling Angels"

The other class is with..............
Rick Bragg............

Author of...................
" All Over But The Shoutin' "

" Ava's Man"

I own and have read all four of these books.
All are great reads. I give 5 stars to each!
John's are based on TRUE stories..........
Rick's are autobiographical of his childhood
growing up in the south but read like novels.
I'm looking forward to meeting the authors
as I have long admired their work!
I'll take lots of pictures..............
And.......next week, I will do all of the
above, same room, same bed in Natchez!


Dave King said...

I envy you John Berendt; I wouldn't swap him for a night in an antique bed!

Reader Wil said...

I do hope that your knee is healing soon! And that you may be able to meet these interesting people! Take care! Hugs, Wil

Betsy Banks Adams said...

At first Carol I was going to say "OH--I'm Sorry".... BUT--now I'm saying CONGRATS. New Orleans and two wonderful authors this week ---and Natchez later. Sounds like the best plan of all!!!!

Hope you knee gets better SOON.

RiverPoet said...

Awesome! I'm so envious!!!

Peace - D

Vicki Lane said...

What a wonderful opportunity with two terrific writers! Have fun!

Kay Dennison said...

Hope your knees feels better fast!

The B&B is lovely. Meeting John Berendt would be wonderful!!!

I'm gonna try a Rick Bragg.

Have fun!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

It doesn't sound such a bad trade-off! But, I am sorry about your knee!

ceecee said...

Oh lucky, lucky you! New Orleans again?! The City of Falling Angels is one of my favorite books. Couldn't put it down. Have a wonderful time. Hope the knee heals quickly - be careful on those old streets!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

John Berendt. Oh my. Midnight in the Garden is one of my all time favorite books. Have a ball! Careful of that knee!!!

Tess Kincaid said...

That lovely bed and breakfast looks like a knee healing place to me!

Elenka said...

Wow, that sounds fantastic. Actually a good change of plans, I think.

Peggy said...

John Berendt! I'm so jealous! He's divine. Enjoy and share lots with us upon your return! Oh, and I hope your knee is better, Carol!

Renie Burghardt said...


I hope your knee feels better. Your change of plans sound great though. I've had Rick Braggs book since it came out. Enjoy your time in New Orleans.

Healing hugs,


NCmountainwoman said...

Wow! What a week you are going to have. And so are we when you share it with us. I can't wait.

Hope the knee mends soon.

Carol Murdock said...


I really am looking forward to meeting these two great authors!

I am having an MRI on the knee
Monday. It has been giving me problems for several weeks and I've been wearing a cloth brace
on it. It's not so bad that I'd miss this, but I may need a little
" clean up" surgery on it later!
Thanks for all the "healthy wishes"!
I do intend to share every detail about the "Day" with you guys!And hopefully get lots of pictures!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you have many things lined up that you like, good for you! And share all the news with us after you've come back:)

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Oh Carol! What a beautiful place you are giving up for your change of plans! Understandable though for the opportunity you are about to encounter!
What fun you are going to have!
I see I've a lot to catch up on!

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not , I actually knew Tennessee Williams...

Shrinky said...

I am so sorry your health is preventing you from staying in what looks to be the most perfect retreat. Let's hope you are soon on the mend and able to enjoy your trip to the full. Oh Carol, I would simply LOVE to attend those workshops, I am familiar with several of these books - it sounds my idea of heaven. I am sooooooooo jealous..

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Have a wonderful time! If you're looking for a fun and tasty place to eat that isn't tourity, try Jacques-Imo on Oak Street. You won't be disappointed!

Sweetie said...

I hope your knee improves. You are a perfect example of making lemonade out of lemons. The workshops sound intriguing. You really have something to look forward to now - the bed and breakfast. Anticipation will make the actual event better.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Have a wonderful time Carol! I hope your knee will feel better. I unfortunately have the same problem from time to time.

I've enjoyed both of John Berendt's books --they were both fascinating!

I am acknowledging the "fabulous blog" award you gave to me a week ago on my blog tomorrow. Thanks again, very much, for thinking of me!

steviewren said...

I've read 2 or 3 of Ricky Bragg's books and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil as well. All are wonderful reads.

The company I work for has a number of customer's from Ricky Bragg's neck of the woods. I've often thought of the way he describes the area when dealing with some of those characters.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you -- sounds like you're on some fabulous adventures, in both places. I visited Natchez and several of its B&B inns on a magazine shoot several years ago -- just wonderful! I enjoyed my visit here.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

So sorry about the pain in your knee. We always get called back to our basic needs, don't we? May your health return soon. Your plans sound terrific...exciting! <3

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I felt kinda bad for you that you had to postpone that great trip to Natchez....until I read where you were headed today!
I read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and love Savannah....even got to meet the real Emma from the book and I think her name was Mandy..... We toured her place. And I have a treasured print of the statue in the cemetery that we bought at an art gallery in Savannah.
And Rick.....I've met him numerous times at writers conferences. Great speaker and story teller. I also have loved every single one of his books! I got the Prince of Frogtown last year and I loved it.
Thank you so much for the little blurb about The Help and my comment that you placed on your sidebar. I appreciate that.
Have a great time and tell us all about it, with photos.