He was wrong, I was right, she's in labor right now!
I'll have pictures tonight on the blog! Pekingese do not
break the sacks, cut the cords or clean babies. I will have
to play Doctor and do this. They do make great Moms though!
Daddy Jake is having a fit! Would not eat breakfast!
I finally had to cage him so he would leave Sadie alone...

I did it in progressive shots.............8 PM

8: 15.................

I did it in progressive shots.............8 PM
8: 15.................
Beautiful sunset, comical tomato or should I say Angelina lol. Poor Sadie I hope she doen't have to long a labour....so looking forward too seeing her babies :)
Forgot too mention poor Jake the expectant Dad, he won't know what to do with himself, bless.
You go, Dr. Carol! Good luck to you and to Sadie. I loved the sunset photographs.
Good luck Dr. Carol! Can't wait to see the babies!
Don't you just love it when vegetables have personalities!
all the best!
The sunsets are gorgeous this time of year. Best of luck to the expectant mother, and expecially to you! It's going to be busy down on the farm. (As usual!)
Good morning Carol. Beautiful sunset and I love the progressive shots. I didn't know that about pekinese. Can't wait to see photos of the new babies. Funny tomato. It looks like the inside had no where else to go but to leak out from the top. Interesting. Are you still getting produce from your veggies? Mine has dried up. Next - get ready for another crop of something.
Best wishes to the happy family!
The sunset pics are amazing! I like how you captured it in progress. Wonderful. I wish little Sadie the best of luck!
The sunset was great, but I want to see puppies!
Good luck with the pups, can't wait to see the pix.
Beautiful sunset ! Myself, I haven't seen the sun in, what, about 6 years, I think it is!
Oh those sunset pictures are outstanding. Pood Sadie!
Beautiful sunset. I can't wait to see the babies.
You will be busy today bringing all the new little lives into this world..hope all goes well. We to have beautiful sunsets here in Minnesota, even in the winter. I will have to try and capture one.
your pics were lovely.. thanks and best wishes
Great sunset pics.
But that tomato's kinda obscene.
Back to your midwifery!
Hahaha~~I never would have guessed it was a tomato!!! :D
That sunset sky is gorgeous!
I did not know that Pekingese mothers do not break the sacks, cut the cords or clean their babies!
Sucha beautiful sunset and that is one funny tomato!
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