was 104 yesterday with a temp of 100! We have not had a drop
of rain since June 4th and NONE is in the forecast! We are defiantly
in a heatwave!
We have been so busy all week. I haven't had time to post but
I have visited most of your blogs and tried to comment!

It is ice-cream weather for sure but I have not been able to
find my favorite flavor so far. This won a Blue Bell contest last
year and is the BEST flavor I've ever tasted! The lady whose
recipe won was from South Carolina!Click on the picture and read
all about it!

A woman from Navarre Beach, Florida contacted me after
coming on my blog. Her name is Linda, here with her husband.
She's my cousin! Her mother was an O'Gwynn and our great,
great grandfather's were brothers! This blogging world is really
something! I am ecstatic to have learned about her!
Hubby and I have been discussing for sometime about
getting an extra refrigerator to put in the garage. Our
side by side just doesn't have enough space. Especially
this time of year with all the fresh veggies coming in. I
had told him during morning coffee on Thursday I wish I
could find one of those smaller 10 cubic feet ones they used
to put in apartments. I had a dentist appointment that morning
so afterwards I went by Home Depot to check their garden center
for flower markdowns. you know how I like a bargain! When I
came out of the GC, I took a left and went down the receiving isle.
I wasn't supposed to be there but sometimes things happen!
Look what a wrong turn led me to! A 10 cf. Magic Chef fridge!
A scratch & dent item marked down from $ 379.00 to $ 189.00.
I ended up getting it for $ 150.00!!
this picture looks crooked, I promise it doesn't lean!

Yellow Tropical Hibiscus................

Orange/yellow Lantana.................

Another view of orange/yellow lantana............

The Hummingbirds love the Mystery Plant blooms.....

I love how big the Elephants Ears are getting!

A Castor Bean plant from a friend......................

Pink/yellow/blue Lantana...............

A baby Hibiscus by the pond has a single bloom on it!

Marigolds in the pepper bed................
We have community water in the house but we put down a well
that is used to water flowers, refresh the pond, run the fountain
in the pond and I also use it for coffee, tea and some cooking.
Since we water so much, everything is bloom'n great!
Yellow Roses! Did you know they mean friendship?
Yellow Tropical Hibiscus................
Orange/yellow Lantana.................
Another view of orange/yellow lantana............
The Hummingbirds love the Mystery Plant blooms.....
I love how big the Elephants Ears are getting!
Tell me again Vicki the name so I can write it down?
I call it Mountain Mint...............
A Castor Bean plant from a friend......................
Pink/yellow/blue Lantana...............
A baby Hibiscus by the pond has a single bloom on it!
Marigolds in the pepper bed................
It has 12 new blooms ready to show out!
This is absolutely my favorite flower!!

A Red Mandavillia in full bloom................

Marigolds in the cucumber bed..............

The big Hibiscus overflows into the Lantana...........

Mexican Petunias...................

Foxglove from which I gathered a handful of seed.......

IT'S Hot and I NEED NECTAR................
A Red Mandavillia in full bloom................
Marigolds in the cucumber bed..............
The big Hibiscus overflows into the Lantana...........
Mexican Petunias...................
Foxglove from which I gathered a handful of seed.......
IT'S Hot and I NEED NECTAR................
Charlotte wasn't allowing her picture to be taken!

I'm knee deep in veggies still.............

More tomatoes here!
I'm knee deep in veggies still.............
More tomatoes here!
Due date.........June 24th! Jake guards her every move!
And bloom'n...........

The pond fountain at least makes it seem cooler......

There was a Hummer on it, but I wasn't fast enough!

If I get too hot today, I may jump in!!!
The pond fountain at least makes it seem cooler......
There was a Hummer on it, but I wasn't fast enough!
If I get too hot today, I may jump in!!!
It's "Bloom'n Hot" in Tennessee also Carol !!
Too much for my liking....
Summer hasn't even started until tomorrow, and look at the temperatures. Fancy you finding your relative, and you wasn't even aware she existed, that's fantastic.
As always, you pictures are just lovely, I could jump right into that pond, it looks so inviting.
Your veggies look so delicious, they take a lot of tender care. Good deal on the frige/freezer !!
I thoroughly enjoyed the photos, lovely flowers and wow, the veggies. It's foggy in the mornings here, but hot by afternoon, then it's cooling right down as soon as the sun goes down. But June is usually our mild month here in Southern California. It must be unbearable when the temp hits 100 with all the humidity you guys get in the south. Brow wiping weather to be sure.
Hi Carol, it's hot here in Tampa Bay Florida. Our heat index is supposed to be 104 today. It's really hard to breath when you're outside. I love Bluebell ice cream too. I'm partial to Homemade Vanilla, but that Southern Hospitality sounds good too. You're plants are beautiful. I really like the Marigolds and that hanging basket.
Thanks for dropping by today. I love having visitors.
Stay cool and have a great weekend,
It's hot and miserable here too. Hang in there, girl! At least you have all those blooms to distract you. I figure that it will be so hot here all week that I'll want to slither under a rock. Congrats on the new fridge. Sometimes the aisle less traveled leads to a bargain!
It's in the low 90's here in the mountains -- way too hot for me. I was out in the garden by about 7:30 and, except for the gnats, it wasn't too bad. By 10:30, however, it was dreadful -- like Cindy said, hard to breathe.
All your flowers and veggies look great -- you all must be pulling hoses and watering like mad.
The mint is called Blue Balsam. Looks like it's thriving too!
WOW! It's too hot for ME! I think we northerners hide in the house all winter, and you in the south hide inside all summer! I'm sorry about your lack of rain, that can be so scary...and here I am complainin' about all the rain we've had! I cannot believe how far advanced your vegetables are! My plants are just babies and you're HARVESTING! Do you do any canning/freezing/preserving?
PS: I hate our side-by-side and we got a "half refrigerator" one year to be able to have enough space! I love yours!
Hi Carol, I'm glad you have that well to keep your flowers and veggies watered. It's hotter than hot here too--and we need rain, but not as badly yet as you do. We are watering our roses and potted plants now though.
I'll have to look for that ice cream. It truly sounds delicious. I haven't seen it up here yet--but we love Blue Bell.
I've met a few cousins by blogging also. This internet stuff is just amazing.
Love your flowers --and jealous that you have hummingbirds. Ours have not appeared yet.
Stay COOL---and do what the cows do: Jump in that pond!!!!
Happy Father's Day.
Great Scots, all that color and heat brought back memories of living in Florida. Great buy on that refrigerator, ready and willing to keep your veggies.
Edward hates this kind of weather. With a passion. He is so very grateful for air-conditioning. One of the necessary evils of summertime!
Here in Cyprus we are melting too, and it is only just the start of our heat build up!
Love your pics.
It just stopped raining here and the sun has come out for a brief appearance.....wish i could send you some of this rain and cool wind your way......but, being a south Florida native ...i feel your pain!
Hi Carol! I cannot believe how hot it is here in Indy! We have had all the rain you have been looking for. It has been raining almost every night since June 4th. However that hasn't stopped the heat index.
And. . . . I did enjoy the stroll through your yard, the cows really know what to do in this heat don't they? Love your idea about a second frig in the garage. We did that. WE have a stand up freezer in ours and it has come in handy for the past four years! Great idea!
Have a wonderful day!
It's 89 degree up here today and I think I'm gonna die. Guess I should be counting my lucky stars!
Wow, you have so many beautiful flowers. Sorry you have to water them so much. The sky's been watering ours and everything's growing like crazy, including the weeds. Love your little fridge, we need one in the summer, too. We have lots of freezers, but just one fridge. I wish I had your tomatoes. I just stopped at a roadside veggie stand to get some, but they feel like waxed fruit, and I won't buy them that way. I guess I'll just have to wait on ours to come on and get ripe.
The secret to a beautiful summer in the south is having enough water. Your yard is beautiful and your veggies look delish! It is freakin hot over here in Alabama today. I'm staying inside in the air conditioning.
Hi Carol,
It's been 95 here as well for the past three days,and it is to continue well into next week. But we had tons of rain all last week and this past Monday, so things aren't dry yet.
Love your beautiful flowers. My veggies are coming along nicely now, the zucchini and cucmbers are producing finally.I don't expect ripe tomatoes until the middle of July. And I'll have tons of peaches from 2 loaded peach trees in about a month.
My pond looks inviting too, and the deer make full use of it, wading around in there often. But I wouldn't jump in there, I have seen snakes enjoying the water!
Nice new fridge. You did get a great deal on that.
Well, we spent the day at the cabin on the beautiful Current River, splashing and jet skiing. It's perfect weather for that.
Enjoy the weekend. Hope you get some showers soon!
Our humidity this coming week is predicted to be 50% up, mostly up. I will be taking the shortest paths to air-conditioning wherever I go.
Quite a bargain on the fridge!
You really have some beautiful plants. Almot all my blogging friends have green thumbs. Health, or lack thereof, keeps me inside, but I do have a life..not complaining.
Your flower photos always make me smile. What a garden you have!
I will be wishing you plenty of harvest to fill up your new fridge.
104 ish! I guess I'm a wimp, 90 and muggy is enough to put me under. Your flowers still look nice, watering can be a big chore.
So cool about finding your cousin online.
We always had a second fridge until we retired. So great for holidays!
I love your flowers and veggies. I'm sure you know, but the castor plant is extremely toxic to dogs. They don't usually try to eat any part of it, but it can be disastrous if they do.
It's hot here in the mountains as well. I feel sorry for the folks who came up thinking it would be cool. At least we have had some rain.
Hi Carol, it is wet and chilly in New Jersey, and it SHOULD be hot and sunny! No fair. We have only had 3 days in June when it did not rain at least a little bit. we are waterlogged, and darned sick of it.
Gorgeous flowers! And tomatoes already? Mine a still little green pimples on the plants!
Well Carol it's cold and windy in Scotland but I've got a glow after reading your post. What a beautiful home you have and a wonderful garden....loved the cattle cooling off aren't animals smart :)
Drought here too in LA. I don't think we've had rain in three weeks! Those 'maters looks yummy. Great pics, and congrats on your green thumb. :)
Oh, I have been scrolling things i misse d- Ida Louisiana - where is that? I lived in Louisiana a long time, but can't place Ida!
And, southern hospitality ice cream! what's in it!?!?! - We bought some blueberry cobbler ice cream from blue bell - ooo la la!
What else did I see - let's see -- the indians - where there any Blackfoot -my great great grandmother was full blackfoot....
And ... the veggies and fruits - ohohohohoh~
What a treat for the eyes the photos are....
THere was something else I saw I wanted to comment on, and now I can't remember what it was - dang!
Crape Myrtle already blooming - it must be really quite toasty in your part of the South! :-)
Such a wonderful stroll through your world. Once upon a time I dreamed of having a garden, but some dreams simply to not come true, but I enjoy other people's gardens every chance I get, even if only virtually!
Those tomatoes look so delicious, they make me dream of a BLT sandwich, with a slice of tomato so thick, I'd have to eat it over the sink! :-)
I hope you do get rain in time, so nobody's crop suffers too much.
A blessed Sunday afternoon and evening to you!
Great pictures and the story about your relative. That Ice Cream rocks like no other. Outstanding.
Oren (Friend of Angie)
Hey Carol, while your blooming over there in ole Miss, you might want to accept a challenge I left for you at my place.
And by the way, could I get a tomato sandwich please? My mouth waters everytime I look at your tomatoes. I was thinking maybe some cucumber slices, tomatoes and onions in vinegar would be good too! Reckon we could make that happen real quick? I don't know if the postal service will allow that type of thing in the mail. . . it might spoil!
Watching "Heat Wave Hits South" on news channel right now. Are they saying that's something new? UGH!
I enjoyed your garden tour and am so glad you included the cigar plant. I had one in Memphis, but have not thought about it since. Must add it to my plant list. Then there's my book list...!
Abundant life flows around you...and you scurry to catch, contain, preserve, honor it, Carol! I love it that you made a family connection through the blogworld-and great deal on the frige! What pretty flowers and pond...
I think it's as hot there as it is here in Puerto Rico! I have been diving into the air conditioned room like a rare Northern flower that could wilt. But the summer mood is suductively relaxing!
Thank you for your comment at (OWL) blog, and I will be thinking of you surrounded by healing vibration and profound celebration. <3
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