Saturday, June 13, 2009

" It's All About The Babies" And....

Poor little Sadie Boo is miserable.........
She has two more weeks to go, give or take a day....
The Vet says; 4 or 5 pups more than likely!
That's Ok Sadie, this will be your one and only time!!

Last was all about these two babies.....
They'll be heading back to Germany tomorrow..ahwwwww!

The AND part.....the first ripe tomatoes.... :)

And...that first tomato sandwich.. :D
I need to make some of Vicki Lane's homemade mayo!!

This's all about these babies.........

How Sweet it is.....or will be?

And......this baby and siblings

This baby eggplant is so cute!

A row of Okra...................

With blooms.....................means

Good eating soon! Hubby, the Blackberry Prince....
picked these in one little spot this morning!
He's back out there now with a bigger bucket! :D

This is his thorn less Blackberries planted two years ago!

Oh my goodness! Baby blackberries for the first time!

In order to put baby containers like this in the freezer
full of roasted bell peppers for recipe use later.....
( I got this picture in the wrong order)

It starts like this...............
I dealt with veggies all day yesterday!
Rub clean, dry peppers with oil. Do not use olive oil or butter!

Place them under broiler or on grill and keep watch so they don't burn!
Turn to get all sides roasted, then put in glass bowl and cover......
The steam loosens the skins fast!

The tops, seeds and skin come right off............discard.

Place in bags or containers and put in freezer......
I love these on Pizza because they are soft....

Just call me " Squash Queen"!
I have given it away till every one's first words to me are;
" Don't need no squash, zucchini either"
so now I'm dealing with the excess.......
it starts with my wonderful food processor.
Slice it up, change blades and grate it.

It should look like this........I add a tablespoon of sugar.
This is Zucchini but I do Yellow this way also....

Spoon into bags..............

Label bags. Put in freezer. I did these yesterday.
The Yellow will be used in quiche and casseroles and soup.
The Zuchinni, in bread and Crabless/Crab Cakes!
They're Yummy!

This was my Pepper Sauce stash up till yesterday..

Then I dealt with these. The jar of sliced on the left, went in the freezer.

The others got canned...............added to my stash!

Growing some of your own food is hard work but so fun
and rewarding. Come Winter that freezer stuff will be devine!
We must have a thousand tomatoes out there about to come ripe!
I'll probably be red from head to toe before that's jobs over but come
winter.........oh my!
Last night Hubby did supper on the grill.....................
Organic Beef T-bones and Veggies .........
Homemade bread........
All from Swiftwater Farm............!



Vicki Lane said...

What bounty! You should be beaming with pride!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gosh Carol, it's not nearly time for dinner but you have made me HUNGRY (or HONGRY as they say in Tennessee).

Your veggies are incredible. I love bell peppers --and enjoy them raw. I also like squash and of course homegrown maters.... YUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!

That little tiny dog is having 4 or 5 puppies?????? Poor thing!!!!

Sounds like you are having a great weekend so far. Did you save any of that steak for ME????


NitWit1 said...

Wish I lived close to you. I'd love some squash/zucchini.

You have a lovely garden and the bounty is beautiful.

Carol Murdock said...

I am Vicki, I am! :D :D
Do you like Okra?:D I said; come by and we'll grill you one, two or how every many you can eat! :D

NitWit...I wish you did too!
Save me some back pain! :D

ceecee said...

I can't believe you were taking all those pictures while you were working! You're one dedicated blogger! I'm glad you did though -I love seeing the results of your planting. Those tomatoes make me homesick. N.J. is known for its tomatoes (Did you know it's The Garden State?)and one slice from a beefsteak tom would cover an entire slice of bread. Yours look pretty big. too. Toasted and with mayo is how I like 'em.

Enjoy the bounty -

Unknown said...

I enjoyed you photos, they brought back memories of a year I raised 200 heirloom tomato plants, canning and freezing like a maniac! I don't have much sun or land to grow now, but raise herbs and lettuces and go to my farmers market to get the rest! Michigan is far behind where you are, so this inspires me for a season of canning and preserving! Thanks for taking the time to share this!

crochet lady said...

MMMMMmm, I can't wait to have my first tomato sandwich.

Those baby watermelons look so cute. That is a neat way to preserve peppers, I'll have to give that a try.


Missy B. said...

Your page always makes me SO HUNGRY. That tomato sandwich looked yummy! I know that you enjoyed it.

BTW, the dog was not microchipped so we are keeping her. She has an appt at the vet next week to be checked out. And Gigi was exactly the name I was thinking of...something French!

steviewren said...

You've been busy! I'd like to invite myself to supper if I might!

Anonymous said...

The first tomato sandwich is almost a religious experience for me. What a treat. I am still weeks away from mine!

I can't wait to see the puppies.

Thank you so much for your bloggy love.

Wobegon Cottage said...

I miss going blackberry picking. We use to do it every summer growing up. Your dinner looks wonderful. I am trying to grow blueberries, that is something we can grow here in Minnesota.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

You've been a very busy lady ....
Oh my, everything looks so fresh, colorful, and delicious. Great work Carol and hubby, you get fuul marks !
Now little dog, watch her closely, if she strains for very long, get her to the vet !
Best wishes...

Angie Ledbetter said...

All them babies (vegetable, mineral, and otherwise)! Shows y'all must have something good in the water over there. :)

Glynis Peters said...

Wonderful. I have a stash of swedes, cucumbers and peppers to deal with later today.

I_am_Tulsa said...

Thank you for the tip on peeling peppers! I have been getting tired at burning my fingers!

Having your own vegie garden does look rewarding!
Oooh, that watermelon!:-O

Cynthia Pittmann said...

What a baby-bountiful post, Carol. I love the whole grow your own food idea... and it is a lot of work...but so delish! I think the roasted pepper idea must be tried again. I don't know what I do wrong. Maybe I'm not carefully watching? They end up with burned bits and stuck skin, too! How long does the whole process take? May your family have a safe trip back to Germany. <3

Kathryn Magendie said...

OMG!!! Oh, I am so wanting some of everything - I love fresh fruits and veggies! Our blackberries are green, and can't wait for them to ripen - the mountain cove is FULL of blackberries-though we have to watch out for copperheads (and bears *laugh*)

I'm glad you are enjoying Tender Graces - thank you Carol... *smiling*

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh my goodness, Carol, I am completely in AWE of your vegetables and what you accomplish on your farm!

What amazing pictures -- I love your "babies" theme, from your family to sweet doggie patiently waiting for her pups, to the baby veggies!

I've "midwifed" at several puppy birthings, including my own dog Dion's birth. I wish your Sadie good luck and simple deliveries, and fat healthy babies!
(Don't forget to share pics -- aside from human babies, puppies are my favoritest thing!)

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful food and babies! Such a pity your daughter and grandchild are leaving again. I hope that your doggy will have beautiful and healthy puppies! Are you going to show them when they arrive?

NCmountainwoman said...

Wow! That looks like a full-time job. We aren't fortunate enough to have a garden, but we do have some wonderful roadside vegetable stands with daily fresh produce.

Hope poor Sadie has a good two weeks and successful delivery. That will keep you busy as well, won't it?

Renie Burghardt said...

Wow, Carol, I wish I was your neighbor, since you share some of your bounty! Good griefus, Girl, you'll be busy for the entire summer. But it must give you quite a lot of satisfaction, in the end.

Poor Sadie. I hope the puppies arrive soon and the delivery will be safe, and not too hard on her.

Do your sweet grandchildren speak German? Well, I guess that is a dumb question. Of course, they must. I speak German, too! Hehe, and Hungarian, and...well, never mind.

I just got home from the cabin on the river and feel so lazy, compared to you. I am getting my first zucchini's from my little garden, and the first cukes. Tomatoes won't be ready until about the second week of July. I can't wait.

Hope you're taking a little time off, to enjoy your Sunday.



The Unbreakable Child said...

Whta beautiful pics, Carol. Thank you for sharing. Yum on all the fresh garden goodies! It'll be a bit untill my tomatoes are ready.

Oh, your pooch, she looks so small.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Poor pup. It's so uncomfortable to be pregnant in summer!

Sharon Rose said...

Yummy! Fried green tomatoes, ripe tomato sandwiches, salsa, tomato soup, anything with tomatoes! YES. . . now about those zuchini's. Do you ever make zuchini relish? I think I have a great recipe if you are interested. My mom used to make it all the time! It was great!