sent me a e-mail with the most unbelievable paintings!
They are all done in Crayon. The artist is Don Marco, who
is known as " Mr. Crayola"
I will add a link to his website at the end of post.....
He does many different themes.............
This I thought was so sweet!
Katie's Garden .............

River Elk ..........
Feeding ..............
End of The Hunt .............

Eagles .............

The Duke...............

Miss Kitty.............

Chester .....

High Country Morning .....

Spring Rescue ........

The Native American Paintings are my favorites! WOW !
Wise Comes In Many Colors .........

Geronimo ..............

Crazy Bear.............

Black Feather ..............

The Gathering .............

Elder ..............
Wow---unbelievable paintings, Carol. And to think that they are done with crayon makes them even more amazing.
Thanks for sharing. I especially love the faces of the American Indians.
I will never look at a box of crayons the same way again.
I loved the American Indians too!
Those are fasinating! I've used crayons before in doing pointalism pictures, or simple illustrations but never thought them as a tool that could help produce such wonderful images as these. I guess the talent of an artist comes out no matter what medium or tool they choose to use.
Thanks for sharing them.
Amazing artistry. I used to work in pastels, which were somewhat similar to crayons. That was when I perceived I had artistic talent.
I remember Mother designed some quilt pieces with crayon drawings which she ironed with wax paper over the design. It seemed to melt the crayon into the fabric. Some of my family still have that quilt which was youth bed size.
They are absolutely beautiful! I love them all. He is very talented.
Wow is that talent from a crayon box!
Amazing isn't it?! Thanks for using this e-mail. It's really a treat!
I guess I will let Hunter use crayons and see if he has any talent. The pictures were beautiful
He is a master crayon artist, indeed. Absolutely gorgeous work. Thanks for sharing them with us, What a treat!
Wow ~ Those drawings are amazing. , they're all great.
Thanks , for sharing the work of this wonderful artist.
~ Many Blessings ~
Stunning work! I hope the Crayola people supply him for free.
Looks just like Kate's crayon drawings, ha ha! Amazing, really, isn't it? And so versatile! Wonder why he chose crayons as his medium?
Amazing work, and to think all done with crayons.....
I love the American Indian drawings, it feels as if you can touch their faces, and they will come alive.
What an artist !
and to think most people think of crayons as kids toys
Very good! Thanks for sharing.
You have got to be kidding...ALL crayons? I feel like getting my box out! (I love crayons...I haven't used them in ages but it's nice to know that they are there!)
Thank you for sharing this!
Crayon? Really? Unbelievable!
Amazing work! Who'd have thought plain ol' color crayons could do that!
(We had stuffed tomatoes last night -- I kept back a few till they reddened up!)
GASP! These are fabulous, so difficult to believe they are crayon!!! I sure didn't get that when I used to sit down with a box of Crayola's -LOL-
Wow. this gives "colouring" a whole new meaning.
Well! Aren't those paintings something! My eyes lingered on Miss Kitty, that old tramp! And Chester. I believe I went with him for a short while. When his fingers started groping at the strings of my chastity belt I let out a holler that could be heard for miles and said, "Get thee behind me, Satan."
Choose Virtue, young girls. Choose Virtue.
Glad I'm done with the men.
Thank you for loving Trixie Goforth, honey. She loves you too.
Some of the Native American faces are just amazing!
Amazing artwork! I enjoy looking at Western scenes, and his Native Americans were so detailed. I will visit his web site --thanks!
I do love his work!
what to say but, WOW!!!
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