Thursday, April 23, 2009

"The Renee Award"

It is one of the most meaningful awards in blog world because it honors someone who is incredibly inspirational in her intelligent and witty writing. And by doing so, this award celebrates women's smart, strong and inspirational spirit! It honors women who spread joy and love like an Acorn......a small package growing into a tall and sturdy oak tree which gives more acorns..............

I am so honored to receive this award from my dear bloggy friend

Cynthia @ Oasis Writing Link:

I am therefore honored to pass it on to some bloggy friends I think fit
the bill for receiving it also!

Josephine @ A Brit In Tennessee:

Katherine @ Smoky Mountain Cafe:

Becca @ A Southern Garden by Becca :

Maggie @ Maggie Reads:

Kathryn @ Tender Graces:

Ladies you all make blogging for me a funny, enjoyable and delightful learning experience! Enjoy and pass her on!


Missy B. said...

Congrats on your award! :)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Congratulations on your award, and a BIG thank you for passing it along to me.
I am excited and most humbled, but most of all grateful I have your friendship !

Dirt Princess said...

That is wonderful and congrats to all you other bloggers for receiving an award!

ceecee said...

A little Hoopla over here too, I see! Congratulations! Now go shopping.

Rosaria Williams said...

Congratulations, Carol. And thanks for introducing us to other souls with similar talents.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats Carol on getting that award. You truly deserve it. I always love reading your posts.


Craig Glenn said...

congrat Carol, well desirved!

Craig glenn

Renie Burghardt said...

Congratulations on the much deserved award, Carol! I love reading your blog!



Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Carol, first congratulations to you, you know how much I enjoy your writing and visiting your blog.

Second, thank you so much for passing this award on to me. I am truly honored!

Becca's Dirt said...

Thank you so much for the award. I am so excited to recieve the award as this is my first. Don't even know why I recieved this but I am so grateful that you thought of me. Have a nice day.

Reader Wil said...

Congrats Carol! You certainly deserve it! Thanks for your visit. .So you had also a lightning experience not so long ago. I am glad you were not hurt either. Have a nice weekend! Hugs, Wil

maggie moran said...

Aw, thanks! I'm ever so humble! :D

Kathryn Magendie said...

Thank you so much *smiling* -- I am honored - very much so...thank you.