Tuesday, April 21, 2009

" Hunting For Treasure At Hudson's "

We started out by eating lunch at Garfield's...........

We had Chicken Tortilla Soup and a Turkey Bacon Melt..

Then we converged on Hudson's.................

Racks and racks of clothes...............

This is one of the four pale green Wicker Chairs I got....

At 40 % off..........................

These are $ 250.00 men's jeans for $ 3.99

The girl looked at every rack in the store.........

I got one book and three audio books at 80% off........

Drug Store items were 40 % off..............

There were a few books shelves still full, now at 80% off..

Anti- age and cleansing stuff I got at 40% off.......

Men's jogging pants for $ 1.99 ..............

After we left Hudson's we hit the Mall to Birthday shop for
Melanie's little girl, Molly, who will be 7 on April 29 th.
I was, as the saying goes: "too pooped to pop" afterwards!


Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I thought about you yesterday converging on Hudson's - looks like you both had a wonderful time. I've been getting caught up on your blog and I love your statue of St. Francis. I saw one at Lowe's I want to buy for my garden. Thanks for putting the prayer upt, it's so beautiful.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Looks like a great place to hunt for bargains.
Reminds me of T.J. Maxx and a few Ross stores.
Your chairs are beautiful, that was worth the trip alone !
Have fun, and enjoy your time.

Missy B. said...

I wish we had a Hudsons here in Raleigh...I would go crazy in that store! I am glad you had a good time and had yummy food...and congrats on finding bargains!

NCmountainwoman said...

Looks like a great day for bargains! Who would have thought you would be buying MORE books?

Carol Murdock said...

Kathrine...we had a really good time, she's fun to be with!Your welcome for the Prayer!

Jo...I got those chairs for $30 a piece, they are resin coated wicker and they are heavy! I love them!

Missy...I don't go to often as I find too much stuff to buy!

Carolyn...I am like a gambler let loose in a Casino when it comes to books! It is my WEAKNESS !!

Dirt Princess said...

oooooooooohhh I love that place! You can find the BEST stuff there! Those chairs are fab!!!

My neighbor bought a Joseph's Coat rose. It is a beauty!

Please visit my post Where In the World is Bilbo? I am having a blogging adventure! Thanks

Kathryn Magendie said...

I LOVE chicken tortilla soup!

What a fun time....!:)

Reader Wil said...

You must have had a wonderful time together! And it was worth while shopping! I can understand that you were tired. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your visit!

Becca's Dirt said...

Love the wicker chair. Very nice. It has been years since going into a Hudsons. I'll have to revisit our Hudsons. Looks like you got a lot of good deals. I love to shop.
Have a nice day.

Haley Papageorge said...

That is like my dream place!!!!!

Susan said...

Wow ! Mexican food & deals, what's better than that. Those wicker chars and their colour are tres perfecto. Merci for the love & support. xo, S & les Gang

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Carol,

Wow, look at all the stuff you got, and they were all bargains.
Love your chairs. Anti-aging creams? At a bargain? Now I really wish we had a Hudsons!

Loved this post!



Tess Kincaid said...

Hey, I could dig in Hudson's for a couple of hours! We don't have them up here.

Love the lovely look alike mother and daughter pic!

Carol Murdock said...

Kat....can you believe it? The only reason I got it was someone had thrown it in a VHS bin!

Princess....I love , love, love those chairs!

Kathryn...yes, we did have fun and the soup was so good!

Wil...I don't shop alot, so going with her is like running a marathon to me! HA!

Becca ....I rarely go to Hudson's except when she visits! I always buy too much there!

Carol Murdock said...

Haley....I bet you would love it!
Lots of Designer stuff for you Young Women!

Susan....those chairs are les perfecto!

Renie...Ha! Who knows if that stuff works!

Willow....I can see you digging there! Lots of stuff for the Manor!
I hope you have as much fun with your daughter too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is my kind of store! I would have been so tempted at the book racks.

The pale green chair is fabulous!

ceecee said...

That Hudson's is just too much fun! Wish I had one here.

Carol Murdock said...

Pat....the thing about the book racks is there are so many tempting books by authors you don't know....I probably looked past some great books!

Catherine...I don't know why he doesn't expand to all the Southern states, it has been in Mississippi for forty years!

Sydney said...

I love the green chairs. My question is, how long did you last? We went over the weekend to the annual Houston Library sale -- so inexpensive. There was room the size of a baseball field (well, about half of one) with books on table after table -- I wanted to stay all day but after 3 hours my eyes could not process anything anymore. Literally my brains were scrambled!

GLad you took pix for us!

Jeannette StG said...

Why don't I live there and save some money???

Shrinky said...

I want a Hudson's near me - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Maybe if I explain to hubby how much money I can save, he'll stamp up my airfare over? C'mon, it's got to be worth a try don't you think? (Wink)