While trying to see what Terri was seeing I discovered a man's face looking straight at me just to the right of where I wrote Red hair, his full face is between the two yellow cloths hanging from the mantle! I believe the name of this painting is " The Potion Maker" the two Victorian women have gone to the slave quarters to see the black woman for a potion that she is making in front of the fireplace. The woman in pink is half standing looking down at the mixture and the black woman is sitting on the edge of her chair.
The yellow stripe below ear is dress collar.She appears
to be sitting and looking down as if sewing......
Scroll down to unmarked one, back away and look!

I stopped by yesterday, and nothing immediately popped out at me, so I thought I'd come back later and give it another look.
Now, it's very obvious! Wow!
Thanks for the update and demonstration, Carol... I needed it--since I couldn't see her the first time...
I do see her NOW!!!! wow...
Carol -
If you follow the outline of the chair from the back leg - follow from the floor on up - you will see that the yellow 'collar' is a yellow scarf or shawl tinged in red on the ends, which is draped over the edge of the chair. Then notice the woman in pink - see how the perspective is off in regards to where she is standing or sitting. She may have been painted in (or out)as the artist was working on the painting. It would help to see it without the glare. But I do hope I'm wrong and that it's a Natchez ghost!
I saw her yesterday, and now the imagine is even more obvious to me...
Would be interesting to know what Jane Merrill (Goat castle) was wearing the night of her murder ?
Wow !
This is eerie!! I had to look at it several times.
The farther back you get from the screen the easier it is to see. I saw the image of a man's face on the far right of the screen the first time I looked at the picture.
So you DID see the man also? This is an utterly, AMAZING painting! And now I can't remember where you got it....lol
It's really quite eerie and I'll have to back search here, when I have more time, to get more details on it....but I want one! lol Lord only knows WHAT I'd see if I hung it in my writers studio and sat there and stared at it....lol
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