I was the 100th follower@ The Serenity Gate
and I won a book @ Meanderings and Musings
from Kaye's guest blogger Caryn St. Clair !
Yesterday, I received my prizes! A beautiful journal
from Barbara @ The Serenity Gate and
"Killer Keepsakes" by Jane K. Cleland from Caryn!
Thank you Ladies!
If you did not read Elizabeth Bradley's May 2nd post, Ash & Rain, Two African Grays
@ Elizabeth Bradley's Fiction, please do so, it is a wonderful story!
You can get there from here: http://elizabethbradleyfiction.blogspot.com/

A box from Amazon also arrived yesterday full of goodies!
" Tender Graces" Kathryn Magendie's debut novel and
" Water Witch & Grave Intent" by Deborah LeBlanc !!!
Last week I have a curious thing happen! While searching
for books about Natchez, I discovered a Mississippi author
that was new to me. At Amazon, I found two books written
by RC White.
I ordered both books. Both are set in Mississippi, one on the
Natchez Trace. The day after I ordered them, I got an e-mail
from the author! I was stunned! She had discovered my blog!
Ruth White nor I believe in coincidence. We have learned
we have alot in common and are becoming fast friends. I have
already finished " Devil's Trace" and am half way through
" Ascension At Antioch" I love her writing! She captures
place extremely well and her mystery ability holds me spellbound!
I hope you will add these books to your reading list!
You all know how I love the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee
and Western North Carolina! On Thursday morning I'm headed out!
I will be attending the Blue Ridge Book & Author Showcase in
Bailey. On Saturday, there will be an all day bookfest with these
authors from my favorites list: Sharyn McCrumb, Vicki Lane,
Gary Carden, Sheila Kay Adams, Robert Morgan!
I also expect to meet Sherry Austin and Pamela Duncan!
Not to mention that Kat Magendie and I are hanging out
at the fest together! Am I blessed or what???
I will be staying at this lovely old Historic Inn!
Flat Rock Inn Bed & Breakfast
I'm really looking forward to this......

This is the private porch off the room

I plan on spending time on the front porch too!
to see the house and the famous Goats.
That was .....This Is....
That was .....This Is....
The Chimney Sweeps are back. Every Spring they
return and build in this spot and raise two hatching's
of cute little babies!
This little fellow sees his reflection in the Finch
feeder and sits all day looking! Do any of you bird
watchers know what he is??
Hubby and I went to the Mobile Flea Market on Saturday where I bought this plant and forgot the name of it. It blooms Pink Flowers. Do any of you gardeners recognize it?
A close up of the leaves...........
I will be staying in Flat Rock until Monday hanging out! I will take lots of photos and have plenty to tell when I get back! I'll catch up with everyone either before I go or after my return!
Congratulations with your prizes! I am ashamed to confess that I know neither of them, and that due to blogging I haven't read much since last summer. Only some books I had read already before. I like fiction and historic novels, but also mystery books. Anyway you are going to stay in that wonderful mansion. That is going to be great, I think. I am looking forward to seeing your photos! Have the most wonderful time! I see you are also going to meet Vicki Lane! How wonderful! Love and hugs and good wishes! Wil
Sounds and looks like it's going to be a very enjoyable trip.
Have fun.
What nice surprises! And lucky you for the upcoming events, meeting writers and other interesting people.
We expect a full repot, you know.
Carol that sounds so exciting. The Carl Sandburg room - how cool is that. I would love to read the books by Ruth White. I love books with a southern setting.
Congrats on your winnings.
Hope you have a fabulous time and can't wait to see pictures and hear about your trip. Becca
See you there, Carol!
Wow, prizes, books in the mail, a visit to the mountains, and a stay at such a lovley inn (love that color blue they have on the wall), what a lot of blessings!
Hope you have a great time.
Oh, speaking of books I just read a good one about a lady from the App. Mts. who moved to Colorado during the late gold mining era; she took her stories and her quilting with her. The title is Prayers for Sale.
I bet you have a great time! I love that Inn and the Carl Sandburg room is great. It is beautiful, who wouldn't be inspired in that room and the wonderful porch. Have fun!
I read Kathryn S. Book "The Help" (saw it on your sidebar) & did a review for Osondu Booksellers....good book!
And! Love the photo of Deb's books with mine *laughing* -- yay!
That in looks beautiful - quaint and friendly!
I'm going to get my schedule for when I'm leaving and all that down and get me arse in gear! Looking forward to meeting you in person, Carol....*smile*!
Hi Carol. Sounds like fun!!
I just checked out the Borders site and they appear to have a copy of the book We Took To The Woods that you recommended. I'm going to go there in a few days and check it out!
I love Maine stories, like Sanford Pippen's short stories and works by Carolyn Chute, ie. The Beans of Egypt Maine, etc.
Thanks for the tip !!!!
Lady luck is on your side :)
Sounds like your trip will be another great escape, and meeting the author's of all those great books is in itself " a trip".
Have fun carol, can't wait to hear all about it !
Sound you're busy and enjoy life! Happy for all the prizes you received!
Carol, I'm so happy you won a book at my little Meanderings and Muses! hooray!
And I can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Flat Rock and the surrounding area is just beautiful - enjoy!
Ha! It must have been "book delivery day" at post offices across the globe as I also received my books on the same day! Have a wonderful time on your trip, you all are so lucky have these kind of events to attend. I am so jealous.
I'm sure you will have a wonderful weekend. There are going to be some really great writers there. Wish I could be there as well.
I wonder if your bird might be a Pine Siskin. It's a bit hard to tell. Check out this URL and see if that's what it might be:
I know I can always come here and find great suggestions for books. (This IS, after all, where I found The Help) So thanks for the ones you mentioned.
Your trip sounds great, Carol! Have a super time and tell us all about it when you return!
I love coincidences like that! Makes it feel like the universe has your back.
...I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog. I'm really enjoying it!
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