much a crazo from trying and I'm not the only bloom'n
crazy thing around here.
The flowers and the vegetable gardens
are bloom'n crazy too and I want you to see one of the benefitsof living in the deep south..............
But first I want to show you this....................
We were sitting on the screen porch Saturday morning
drinking our coffee and watching the birds feed. I kept
seeing the female Hummingbird feed then go to Maple
a few feet away. I told Hubby I thought she had a nest
in that tree. So he goes to look and this is what we found!
we are not sure this is her nest as we have not been able
to actually see her at it.........
Another view......Its leaves are wrapped in a swirl
Let's tour the late garden that got washed away after the
first planting....................little Zucchini
It has nearly washed out a second time as it has rained for
three days until yesterday afternoon...............
Watermelon Vines....
A long shot..................
One of the Eggplant's has blooms.....
One of the Eggplant's has blooms.....
The flowers really are bloom'n crazy.............
Yellow Lantana...............
And Orange.........................

The pink and yellow Lantana is my favorite........
The pink and yellow Lantana is my favorite........
name of? None of you seemed to know what it was either.
That's red Verbena it's next to.
I think it is so pretty!
That's red Verbena it's next to.
The Bougainvillea is really gone crazo.......................

Frosted Pink Canna's are starting to bloom too...

As well as the red ones at the pond house
Frosted Pink Canna's are starting to bloom too...
As well as the red ones at the pond house
The Four O'clocks behind it had a bloom yesterday
almost to the top...............

And it's about to bloom..........................
And it's about to bloom..........................

I've been giving away yellow squash for two weeks.......
I've been giving away yellow squash for two weeks.......
We've been eating and giving away all kinds of pepper
about this size....I'm ready for some Fried Green Tomatoes!
Please let me say that your comments make my day!!!
Thank you all for the comments on my soldier family!
I have visited two of the funniest post today! I have laughed so much my nose is stuffed up!!
beaming from the east.................
I expect I'll canning and freezing for weeks
Hoeing and pulling to stay ahead of the weeds...........
Please let me say that your comments make my day!!!
I don't always answer and I hate it when I can't get to it and I feel really I have no excuse and I'm hoping to do better. However Spring is really crazy on a farm with 25 head of cattle, gardens, flowers and other stuff too. All of our grown children live in other states, so the work is all on us. If I don't answer it is because I am out helping on the farm. By the time I do a post and visit all of you and comment, I have spent my leisure time but I am gonna attempt to do better!!!
Thank you all for the comments on my soldier family!
I am very proud that I come from such brave stock
on all four sides of my family!!
I have visited two of the funniest post today! I have laughed so much my nose is stuffed up!!
I'm feeling bloomin' crazy myself these days. Must be Spring fever. I meant to tell you - Kris Kristofferson was on my connecting flight in Charlotte. Talk about a great songwriter! He looks terrific. Don't work too hard.
Wow! Your garden is so far along! We've had so much rain recently that I haven't even gotten my squash and corn seeds in the ground yet!
And your flowers are looking great!
Now we know where your time is going in Spring and Summer and Fall. Writing will have to take a back seat; and visiting with blog friends who, like me, still can't get our gardens going until the sun decides to hang around for a while. Good visiting with you; I enjoyed your bounty.
The pictures are just beautiful, Carol. I'm waiting on my tomatoes to get bigger and I need to get out and snap some pictures of the plants too before the heat does its damage. Dontcha just love spring?!
Katherine...were you singing
" Why Me Lord" or " Help Me Make It Through The Night" ? HA! least the big one is a little behind the raised beds, so I can maybe pace myself!Not in the ground yet? Too bad we don't have an easy way to do exchange!!
Rosaria...I do the writing late at night or before dawn when I can stay up or get up ! HA! :)
Kimmi...thank you and take those pictures, I love looking at everyone else's gardens!
Hi Carol, I understand BUSY too... This is the time of year when working in the yard takes priority... Your flowers and VEGGIES are fabulous. I'd love to have some fresh cukes, yellow squash and 'mators. Can you save me some????? ha
Have a great day---but since it's sunny, do some fun things also--in addition to your hard work weeding, etc.
Out here in So. California, we pay through the nose for water, it's in short supply. So it's interesting to see you dealing with too much water. How lovely your garden is!
Your garden has me green with envy. And, holy cow, your right on the water. You do know how lucky you are, don't you????
You've got there a lovely garden and pretty flowers. Thanks for the tour! Have a great week!
Betsy....I wish I could air mail you a big box!
Elizabeth....Yes, it's crazy how some get too much and others not enough water. I just hope NC and Geogia are over their drought and you'll get plenty too!
LBR....Yes, I Do ! I love that huge pond, it is a haven for wildlife! I envy your writing style too!
Hey Wil....thank you and thanks for stopping in!
Look at your peppers and tomatoes! I can't believe it! I've got a large potted tomato on the patio and I was proud that it just sprouted blooms!
Your flowers and your veggies are going bloomin' wild! They look so beautiful Carol. We're warming up and we're starting to get some blooms too.
Boy, if you could clone that green thumb of yours, you'd be a millionaire!
Carol, you sure have bragging rights when it comes to gardens! Youra is looking spectacular-both the veggies and the flowers.
My zucchini just started to bloom, and the bumble bee's are having a hay day with it. Tomatoes are just starting to bloom as well, but both the cukes and green beans are flowerless! Is that a word? Haha. The only things I have been eating from the garden are the lettuce and spinach, and they'll be done soon, with the temps. skirting the mid 80s now. Speaking about rain, which we have had in over abundance, I hear booms and see rain falling again. Yikes. Got to go.
That nest is so unique, I've never seen anything like it, with the leaves wrapped so perfectly around.
Seeing all your veggie plants makes me so long for mine to grow faster. I just set some things out this last week and the seeds we planted are just popping up with the first set of leaves.
Wonderful pics of your flowers too, the whitelarkspur is one of my favorites, although I haven't planted it in a long time.
Jen doesn't take long when they start blooming!Wish I could pop over with a box of fresh for you!
Katherine...I can't wait until you start cooking and posting yours!
Angie...well it's a sure bet I ain't gone be one from writing!HA! I told Willow, once that blooming starts they grow quick!
Jen....isn't that nest something!
I can't see how she gets in and out!
Carol, oh, I want your green peppers. Ours didn't do jack last year. Your garden is definitely farther along than ours, but that's one of the rewards of living in the deep South. I just found holes in my chard patch, from what I don't know, but I will have to cover the plants tonight. Going out now to pick Red Russian kale! K
Wow, Carol what are you feeding those veggies ?
They not only are huge, but so luscious looking, and prolific.
I've not had any hummingbirds this year, wonder if I missed the deadline for the "scouts". I'll keep mixing up the miracle potion and hanging the feeders up in the trees.
Great post, and thanks for the mention ;)
Carol - I, like you, don't get the time to visit other bloggers as much as I'd like to.
So just to say thanks for the pictures of all this growth and hew life. Beautiful and inspiring.
Can't wait to see what your mystery plant bears!
Kay...I'd load you up if I could!
Jo...we put quick acting lime out this year in the veggie beds and stuff went wild. I feed my flowers Miracle Grow! We use well water if we have to water but these mostly have gotten lots of rain!
Siobhan.....thanks for coming by, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit!
Cheryl....I hope it's only these pretty pink flowers!
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am green with envy of your beautiful flowers and veggies.
For the first year in three I am garden-less. I will have to live vicariously this year.
Hi Carol - your veggies are looking good. I agree the tomatos are ready for the skillet. Can't wait to eat some fried green tomatos. What nice cucumbers too. Your squash is looking good. I'm afraid mine is going to stop producing in the next week or so. Think I'll plant some more.
Wow, I envy your garden. Everything sure is a blooming and producing! We had to till up our potatoes last week and start all over again. The ground was so wet I think most of them rotted in the ground. We've been really busy, too, and I've gotten behind in my blogging. Squash bread is delicious to make if you get overwhelmed with too many to eat.
Wow, Carol, your vegetables are so ahead of mine! It's has still been cool and quite rainy here in NY so my tomatoes are suffering.
I don't know how you get it all done...I have been so behind since I came back from a week in Colorado. Glad to have caught up with you tonight!
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