Wednesday, January 27, 2010

" Walking In High Cotton "

Two very talented women authors I count as my friends have started off 2010 with a Bang! They are as we say in the South.......

Let's start with Carolyn Haines whose "Bones " series is a favorite of mystery readers everywhere.

Last year we celebrated Carolyn winning the 2009 Richard Wright Award for Literary Excellence at the Natchez Literary & Cinema Festival .......

On April 30, 2010 she will join the elite group of 12 other authors who have been the recipient of The Harper Lee Literary of Excellence Award at the Monroeville, Alabama Literary Festival!!! Can you say WOW? Carolyn says "To Kill A Mockingbird" was a very influential book in her life and she is a devout fan of Harper Lee. To win this award has to be " as good as it gets" for her! I'll guess that the mystery writer in her LOVES being the 13 th recipient !!!! Last year my buddy Rick Bragg won it! Besides her wonderful Bones series, she has written many great novels. These three are some of my favorites.............

"Greedy Bones" is the latest release in the series with "Bone Appetit" coming soon !

Congratulations Carolyn, I'm so happy for you sweetie !!! I also want to tell you that Carolyn is a die hard advocate of Animal Rescue and practices what she preaches! Please visit this site and do all you can to help this wonderful organization of hers........ Good Fortune Farm Refuge

And then there's Kathryn ! Kathryn Stockett who humbly admits she never thought anyone would read her wonderful novel " THE HELP ". After being on The New York Times Bestseller list for 41 weeks( it debut at # 22 its first week out and has been in the top ten for 35 weeks)
it reached # 1 last week and has remained there this week!! I LOVE being able to tell her that I told her after reading the ARC that she had a # 1 Bestseller !!!

Many of you have taken my advice and read this book.........if you haven't you really are missing out on a wonderful read! IT IS MY FAVORITE BOOK of 2009 and will be @ the top of my list for ALL TIME FAVORITE reads!

I hope to have a Grand Tour of the GWTW Room for you this weekend! XOXO


Becca's Dirt said...

What a fabulous award for Carolyn and Kathryn. I haven't read Katheryn's book but I have read a few of Carolyn's and I adore her writing. I love the humor she brings to her books. She is aunt to my former DIL and she is also a sweetheart in person.

Missy B. said...

Have you read Summer of the Redeemers by Carolyn? It is one of my favorites....I like Touched, too!

Vicki Lane said...

What a well deserved honor for Carolyn! And what an amazing run for Kathryn -- also well deserved! Congratulations to both of them!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I love Carolyn's works. Sending her a big old Ozarks congratulations along with Kathryn. I am not familiar with her works but I will be checking her out.

You have a terrific day heaped full of blessings dear one!!!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What great news!

I've got "The Help" on my nightstand right in line to be read! I'm so excited.


Rosaria Williams said...

You must be thrilled for all these ladies. How wonderful for them and for you.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I'm checking w/my local library to see if they have these books.
Congrats to the authors!

crochet lady said...

The Help, was one of my favorite reads last year too.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

The Help is one of my favorite books of all time. I am thrilled it reached number one!

Pat in east TN said...

Congrats to both ladies! I love hearing good news like that.

Callie Brady said...

Congratulations to the ladies. I will check out these books for sure.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

The Help is on my list. I'm supposed to be next in line to get that from a fellow reader. Hmmmm.

I'm just learning to read mysteries. Working on the 100 best. Jury is still out. Not one much for puzzles. I think I prefer the character development.

I've been remiss in my reading. How are those chickens?

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Well , you were certainly right on the money about The Help. I'll have to try Carolyn now too!

Marguerite said...

What an honor for both Carolyn and Kathryn! I will put these books on my list, for, after Mardi Gras! :) Thanks for the reviews! Looking forward to the big reveal!

Tiffany Norris said...

The Help has been on my TBR list, and Carolyn's work sounds great, too! Thanks for the spotlight!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A well deserved congratulations to Carolyn!

I have Kathryn's book on the reserve list at my library..can't wait to get it!

Margaret Hall said...

CONGRATZ, Authors~!!
Thank you for the introduction, Carol. I shall investigate the books, I am sure that you are pleased for them....

Tess Kincaid said...

Kudos to both of these lovely authors!!!

NitWit1 said...

I love the book reviews. The Help soundslike a good read.

A Kindle or Nook is in my future. I keep reviewing all of them. I'm waiting for one that will display color is there is color in the book. So far one of the e-book readers do that adequately.

We are knee deep in snow, or I should more accurately say 4'10" me is knee deep. However, Luckie doesn't like being in the snow at all.

Carol............. said...

Will be delving into new books...thanks.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I think you bring good luck to your writer friends.. So many of YOUR friends win awards... I'll pass the word that if any writers want to win some big awards, they need to become friends with YOU... How neat is that!!!

Can't wait to see the GWTW room..

Cass @ That Old House said...

Grand! I am not familiar with Kathryn's book -- thank you for introducing me!

I'm off to the bookstore soon, anyway, to buy some books for my husband for his birthday. I just may slip in one or two for me as well.

Best wishes ... Cass