As a follower of Author Vicki Lane's blog
Vicki Lane Mysteries, I have watched and waited for the birth of this book, due to be released on
September 28, 2010. Even though I have the book pre ordered on Amazon I was thrilled to get a chance to read a galley of this book beforehand!
What a thrill is was too!
Miss Birdie the protagonist in this book, was a much loved character I was introduced to in Vicki's wonderful
Elizabeth Goodweather mystery series however this book is a stand alone novel and can be read without having read the mystery series.
It begins with the birth of a tiny girl in 1922, deep in the mountains of Marshall County, NC.
" It'll always be the least un, fer there won't be no more. Recon that'll do fer a name - call it Least"
The story of Least is a mesmerizing one. Her father and brother having just been killed in a logging accident leaving a grieving widow/mother, she being the ninth child born to a woman already bitter from the birth and loss of children, Least doesn't stand a chance of having a normal life. Her mother Fronie views her as a worry and a hindrance and labels the child as simple minded thus keeping her hid from people as was the custom in that era.
However Least is far from simple minded, in fact she is a gifted child, a descendant of Cherokee Indians who is endowed with the "power" of Cherokee Magic. At nine years old Least is blessed when her maternal grandmother comes to live with her and Fronie. Granny Beck has the
"power " too and teaches Least how to use her gifts. As we watch Least grow from a neglected, unloved child into womanhood and become Miss Birdie, we are taken on a historical journey of the mountains of Appalachia, on a spiritual journey of the differences in the beliefs of the mountain Holiness people and the Native Americans. This is a poetic tale of the strength of the spirit to survive and the battle between good and evil from two entirely different cultures..............
I could not lay it down ! It is story you will not want to miss told by a brilliant story teller....................

If you haven't yet read Vicki's Elizabeth Goodweather series you are missing a real treat!
You will fall in love with Elizabeth !
To learn all about Vicki and her great books go to this site

Have A great weekend and read a good book!!