WHEW! What a time I've had the last few months!If relief from this heat wasn't enough of a problem, being ill on top of it was beyond misery! As you all know I was under the weather
ALL of Spring and the first part of Summer with both my back and what had been diagnosed as severe sinusitis and asthma due to a wicked virus.First let me say; the shots in my back were a waste of time and money except that I learned my main problem is a arthritic facet joint in the center of my back and I don't need surgery. In mid June I lost my voice, was experiencing ear pain and a sore throat that would not go away. I still had severe sinus problems also. I googled ear pain, sore throat and laryngitis and came up with throat cancer!I made an appointment with my
ENT . When I told him I was there to rule out throat cancer and explained my symptoms....

He said; "I know what the problem is. You have Laryngopharyngeal Acid Reflux (LPR)." My response was; I don't have heartburn, indigestion or reflux." He then went on to tell me that this particular form does not have these symptoms and is therefore hard to diagnose. LPR occurs when gastric contents travel up the esophagus and into the upper throat and voice box. This usually occurs while you are asleep and unaware. He then when through my nose and down my throat with a camera . My vocal cords were full of blisters and my throat was raw. I was put on Nexium for 15 days and I am totally well of all problems! I also began trans dermal magnesium therapy and my back is much better! :)

I have done a lot of reading the past few months, these are SOME of the books I've read.

I had my daughters 2 children here for 10 days and what a joyful time that was!
Molly loved riding Lolly Pop!

Of course the garden could care less how you feel, it still comes to harvest! This is my new Dehydrator I bought mainly for drying herbs.

I did dry 5 quarts of peaches in it though. I also put 15 quarts of peaches in the freezer, along with blackberries and blueberries, squash, okra, & peppers.

On the canning front, I made this Pepper Relish.I also canned Pepper Butter, Pepper Sauce, Tomatoes, and Okra & Tomatoes......

I made Peach and Wild Plum Jelly too..............I think this is the Peach.

My flowers have kept me busy........

This is our Purple Crape Myrtle. We have a smaller one out front too. It must be a rare color as everyone who comes here says they have never seen one this color.

I'm on my way to achieving my courtyard feel. Next year it should really look good!

The Cannas are really growing.............

This bed has not done so good except for this Angel Trumpet...........

You've heard of The Apple Dumpling Gang? This is The Watermelon Gang !

The eight peeps we raised are now pullets and doing good. Queen Vicki also sat 21 days and hatched the 2 little peeps you see here. We now have 18 chickens and get an average of 6 eggs a day!

Now that my health is back, I'm wishing I could look like this. Can you believe she will be 70 years old on Sept. 5th? This is a recent picture too! I would settle for this hair style if I could find someone who could do it!

After all the
HEAT we've had I'd settle for a few days in this scene too! I will be going to the
Highlands of NC in late August for 10 days and I can't wait! Coming to see you Vicki !!!